This study aims to determine the effect of seaweed flour (Eucheuma cottonii) substitution on the chemical and sensory characteristics of pancakes. This research method used a Randomized Block Desig…
Hernia inguinalis merupakan protrusi atau penonjoloan isi rongga abdomen melalui kanalis inguinalis. Hernia inguinalis adalah salah satu kasus yang sering dijumpai oleh ahli bedah di Indonesia. Ang…
Indonesian Cooperatives are a joint effort, especially in the economic field, consisting of cooperative individuals or legal entities who cooperate voluntarily to achieve common goals. Cooperatives…
Introduction: Asthma is a condition which causing the airways narrowed due to hyperactivity to certain stimuli that causing inflammation. The incidence of bronchial asthma in children in primary sc…
This development research aims to develop and produce Audio Visual Media media products based on moral content songs for children aged (5-6) years in Prabumulih City which have been tested for thei…
Edible film is a thin layer made of edible material and is used as a surface coating for food components. Packaging materials made of plastic have caused quite serious problems. Taro beneng tubers …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan produksi padi IR42 pada tanaman utama dan tanaman ratun di lahan pasang surut yang diberi pupuk nitrogen. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di la…
Zat besi merupakan komponen yang penting bagi tubuh kita yang mempengaruhi seluruh reaksi kimia dalam tubuh seperti merangsang pembentukan sel darah merah. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan zat besi, seseor…
Suatu organisasi internasional, di dalam pelaksanaannya tentu banyak menemui permasalahan. Suatu negara mungkin memiliki keinginan untuk mengundurkan diri dari organisasi internasional. Pada Juli 2…
ABSTRACT Stress at work is one of the health problems that workers in various countries often complain about is caused by work fatigue. In America, stress at work is a common and detrimental proble…
Penelitian ini didasari atas masih banyaknya terjadi sengketa masyarakat dimana mereka merasa jika wilayahnya diambil oleh pihak lain, kepemilikan sumber daya disalah satu wilayah dan juga permasal…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi, 1) Persentase aspek sikap pada kompetensi komunikasi lintas budaya siswa usia 16 tahun di SMKN 6 Palembang 2) Persentase aspek sikap pada kompetensi…
Pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pemanfaatan tumbuhan sebagai obat oleh Suku Lematang di Desa Kuripan Kecamatan Rambang Dangku Kabupaten Muara Enim telah lama digunakan secara turun temurun. Pengguna…
Survival analysis is a statistical procedure related to the time from the start to the time of occurrence of the event. Survival analysis is usually used to analyze risk factors associated with cli…
Earthquakes are one of the causes that can damage building structures and could make the died. Earthquake-resistant buildings are needed to avoid construction losses and the safety of their occupan…
Internal Communication Between Employees (Studies on CV. Hyperlokal Indonesia in 2020) is a descriptive study conducted to describe the condition of internal communication between employees of CV. …
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) is an approach used to build a computer security system that is more advanced than the Intrusion Detection System (IDS), because this IPS can do more than just ana…
The garbage problem is endless. Garbage has become a serious problem, especially in big cities, not only in Indonesia, but also throughout the world. The production of waste that continues to incre…
Skripsi ini berjudul, “Implikasi Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 25/PUU-XIV/2016 terkait Penerapan Kerugian Negara Secara Nyata terhadap Proses Penegakan Hukum Tindak Pidana Korupsi oleh Kejaks…
Batu andesit merupakan bahan bangunan yang paling banyak digunakan dalam industri konstruksi jalan sebagai pengganti batu koral. Keterdapatan cadangan andesit di daerah Tanjung Enim ini memiliki pr…