At this time the smartphone market penetration continues to grow along with technological developments. Therefore, position detection in closed areas has become an important area of research. IPS o…
This study focuses on analysing data on the causes of commercial aircraft accidents in the world using data from the Bureau of Aircraft Accident Archives from 1918-2021. Using K-means clustering to…
Web-based services are technological developments that are easy to access at any time and wherever everyone can access them. Due to its distributed and open nature, web application technologies are…
Tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan kemahasiswaan di perguruan tinggi merupakan salah satu faktor dari kualitas pembelajaran perguruan tinggi. Untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa te…
Teknologi sangat berperan penting guna membantu di berbagai bidang salah satunya bidang pertanian. Dimana seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa indonesia merupakan negara agraris yang sebagian besar pend…
Digital image processing is a digital image manipulation technique that specifically uses a computer to become another image that suits needs. Classification of banana ripeness can be done in two w…
This project goals to check and adjust the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, check and adjust the Raspberry Pi Camera Rev 1.3 camera and test classification using Convolutional Neural Network or CNN to find…
Good air quality is needed at this time, air is one of the gas groups which is also the main source of respiration of living things. When a person moves from one place to another, that person will …
Fruit growers usually select fruit manually. The manual fruit sorting system will of course require more labor and more time. The sorting tool for avocados has been successfully designed and made u…
Teknologi jaringan di bidang komputerisasi dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan suatu informasi secara real time dan cepat. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini membuat sistem dan membangun sistem untuk melakuka…
Research focused on one of the FreeNAS features in the Syncthing plug to sync peer to peer files. The research method used includes NAS as data storage with an operating system specifically designe…
Lift adalah angkutan transportasi vertikal yang digunakan untuk mengangkut orang atau barang, Pada lift memiliki batasan orang untuk memasukinya, jika terlalu banyak orang yang masuk, keadaan di da…
n the time of pandemic covid that we know and experience now, it is necessary for humans to maintain health, one of which are washing hands and maintaining physical distance from each other. Theref…
With advances in technology, thermometers have been created to measure body temperature effectively. The output makes it easy to know a person's body temperature. However, blind people need a therm…
Segmentasi citra adalah pemisahan objek menjadi latar belakang dan latar depan. Terkadang hasil segmentasi pembuluh darah retina tidak tepat dan masih terdapat noise, maka dari itu penelitian ini a…
The problem in giving livestock feed, especially chickens conventionally so far, is that farmers are required to take the time to feed livestock. To overcome these problems the author proposes an I…