This study discusses people's perceptions of the concept of gender in Simpang Raja Village, Talang Ubi District, Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir District. The problem in this research is how is the publ…
This study aims to detect the existence of fiscal illusions in the provincial government in Indonesia. The panel data used in this study were 34 provinces with a time span of 2015-2020. Regression …
Solar energy is energy in the form of light and heat from the sun. This energy will produce electrical energy using photovoltanic (PV). The electrical energy generated can be utilized on the Self-b…
Chili is a plant needed by the community both as a component of cooking seasoning. Anthracnose is a major disease of chili plants that can cause losses of up to 60% or more. This study used a Rando…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara partisipasi orang tua dengan motivasi siswa putri dalam mengikuti ekstrakurikuler olahraga bola basket di SMPN 40 Palembang. Penelitian ini…