The book discusses international assignment-related decision-making by emerging market firms and their employees. It reveals that the ongoing, reciprocal interactions between the organisational and…
The book provides an understanding of how service design and design thinking could address the needs of organisations in tackling processes of transformations which include changes in the way peopl…
Serious games can provide a convenient and straightforward access to complex knowledge for all age groups. However, learning achievements depend largely on learners’ non-cognitive factor disposit…
This book highlights the importance of talent management practices in recruiting, developing and retaining talented professionals in the digital and IT&C industry. It unpacks the distinctive charac…
This book is to provide insights into the process of individual unlearning, which is little known in previous studies. This is the first book that described how employees should unlearn, i.e., aban…
This book provides an introduction to Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) for those in the public administration field. At the intersection between human resource management and information t…
This book is an essential guide for academics and practitioners to understand employees’ differences in personality and how best to motivate them accordingly. The authors provide an in-depth pers…
Many organizations are shifting to a remote workforce in order to be competitive and many more are built as remote-first outfits. The sudden global experiment brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic ha…
This book explores mind over matter in a digital age and presents the importance of continued transformation of the mind to promote humane Artificial Intelligence for greater good. In doing so, it …
This book discusses critical thinking as a tool for more compassionate leadership, presenting tried and tested methods for managing disagreement, for anticipating and solving problems, and for enha…
Buku ini ditujukan untuk masyarakat yang membutuhkan informasi seputar tubuh manusia. Sebagaimana diketahui, saat ini sedikit sekali buku mengenai tubuh manusia yang ditujukan kepada masyarakt luas…
It is hard to overstate the importance of the leader-member exchange relationship. Employees who share a high-quality relationship with their leader are more likely to earn a higher salary, climb t…
The world is not an equal place. There are high- and low-income countries and high- and low-income households. For each group, there are differential educational opportunities, leading to different…
In today’s globalised world economy, it is becoming increasingly pressing to shine a light on the interface of work and private life. In order to fully understand the issue we must take an inclus…
A timely work that reviews the phenomenon of gender and its many manifestations of equality. Well-suited for increasing awareness and justice in academic and professional environments, this collect…
This book provides well-founded insights and guidance to (self-)manage work in a globalized and digitalized knowledge economy with a perspective of the year 2030. International researchers and prac…
This book examines how individuals and organizations in Africa have found ways to integrate work and life roles effectively. It reflects on the notions that while many cultures have embraced womenâ…
Expertise, which combines knowledge, years of experience in one domain, problem-solving skills, and behavioral traits, is a valuable resource for organizations. To understand the diverse picture of…
This book presents a novel viewpoint in HR management: in addition to the macroeconomic factors (demographic development, industry 4.0, digitization, etc.) and its micro-political counterparts (sho…
With current socio-economic development trends and changing work landscapes, modern workplaces are progressively becoming a subject of flexibilisation and hybridisation. Contemporary office environ…
Despite recent high GDP growth rates, Vietnam remains a developing country in need of developing human resources (HR) of both genders. This can be done through education, workplace training, corpor…