Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kandungan kalori-protein, daya terima siswa sekolah dasar dan uji kesukaan panelis terhadap makanan padat gizi “Campur Sari” yang dihasilkan. Peneliti…
Pemanfaatan teknologi pertanian dalam segala bidang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan produksi pertanian. Pemupukan, seleksi tanaman, pemberantasan hama penyakit, penyediaan air yang cukup, aplikasi bi…
Buku ini membahas berbagai kemungkinan dan masalah alih-teknologi bio-revolusi oleh Dunia Ketiga, memperdalam pemahaman dampak-dampak bioteknologi serta meransang temu pikir mengenai bagaimana dan …
The objectives of this study were (1) to find out the social strata in community groups in Air Gading Village, Muara Padang District, Banyuasin Regency, (2) to determine the level of community grou…
The purposes of research were (1) To describe the process of processing watter apple syrup in MSME in Arisan Gading Village, South Indralaya Sub-District, Ogan Ilir Regency (2) To Analyze of the ad…
The aims of this study were (1) determine the effect of member participation on the success of cooperative efforts, (2) analyze the effect of service quality on the success of cooperative business,…
The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), people choose to stay at home and comply with the recommendations of the government, so that MSMEs experience…
Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) is a vegetable commodity that has high economic value and high market demand. This causes the productivity of chili production in Indonesia to reach 20 tons/ha per year. …
Sweet corn (Zea mays) is an important cereal food crop that is widely cultivated in the world and its production amount can exceed other cereal crops. The need for corn continues to increase along …
This study aimed to determine the effect of vermicompost and watering intervals on the growth and yield of tatsoi (Brassica narinosa L.). This study was carried out at Jalan Putri Rambut Selko (2°…
This study aims to determine the effect of NPK fertilizer application on the growth and yield of land kale plants in a floating manner. This research was carried out on the campus of Sriwijaya Indr…
South Sumatra is a province with a very wide potential for the development of floating agricultural systems. In this study, floating cultivation using a raft arranged from 10 bamboos measuring 2 x …
South Sumatra is a province that has a very wide potential for swampland for the development of floating agricultural systems. The cultivation of floating plants is one of the solutions that can be…
The aim of this study was to determine the application of NPK fertilizer on the growth and yield of shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) variety of Bima Brebes with treatment of various doses of NPK fer…
This research aims to determine the effect of organic fertilizer from cow manure on growth and production of shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) Bima Brebes variety on floating cultivation system. The …
Green lettuce is one type of vegetable that contains high enough nutrients for the human body, therefore it is necessary to increase the production of lettuce in Indonesia. This research was carrie…
This study aims to study the results of soil analysis in the laboratory and soil rapid test using the Swamp Soil Test Tool (PUTR) and determine the fertilizer recommendations needed for rice plants…
Rice is a food crop that has important roles and benefits for survival. The production of rice plants often decreases both in quality and quantity due to attacks by nocturnal rice grain-sucking pes…