This study aims to prove the effect of entrepreneurial activity on student achievement in the Economic Education Study Program, Sriwijaya University. The audience of this study were students of eco…
Background: Obesity is a situation in which excess body fat has accumulated. Obesity is a predisposition and is potential to cause OSA. OSA incident in obese patients is 12-30 times higher than oth…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui laju penguapan air bunga rosela {Hibiscus Sabdarijfa Linn) dan energi konsumsi berdasarkan kecepatan aliran udara dan suhu dengan sistem pemanas elemen…
This research is about the effectiveness of online learning during the Covid-19 period in perception of students at SMAN 08 Ogan Ilir. The purpose of this study was to describe the effectiveness of…
WORK HEALTH SAFETY (K3) FACULTY OF PUBLIC HEALTH SRIWIJAYA UNIVERSITY Undergraduate Thesis, Oktober 25 th, 2021 Suci Wulandari The Relation of Noise Intensity toward the Increase of Blood Pressure …
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