Background: Diseases transmitted through vectors, especially mosquito bites, posed a public health problem in various regions. The identification of potential water storage places as breeding groun…
Koperasi Kredit Rukun Palembang adalah koperasi yang bergerak dibidang simpan pinjam. Selama ini, sistem transaksi simpan pinjam masih menggunakan cara manual dalam prosesnya. Koperasi memberikan p…
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk 1) menganalisis faktor-faktor yang paling dominant mempengaruhi produksi bokar pada petani PPKR dan petani Swadaya, 2) menghitung tingkat efisiensi penggunaa…
This study aims to analyze and evaluate the government's internal control system (SPIP) in the management of dana desa in Desa Kuripan Selatan, Muara Enim. This research uses a type of qualitative …
PT. Prima Mulia Sarana Sejahtera is a coal mining company. During the mining process, it was seen that in several segments of the haul road there was scattered or falling coal. The coal will not be…
The increase in the population of Palembang City resulted in high activity for traveling. Various types of activities are also a reason for someone to choose to take a trip by first determining the…
The aims of this study to determine the effect of applying liquid silica fertilizer on the production of large red chili (Capsicum Annum L.). This research was conducted in Palembang City, South Su…
This study aims to determine the effect of thin capitalization and related party transactions on tax avoidance with the moderating variable good corporate governance. This research is quantitative …
The Budi Perkasa Palembang Center provides opportunities to participate in services and teaching in the form of rehabilitation and vocational programs, so that they have the opportunity to work in …
Bangunan ramah lingkungan (green building) yang merupakan kriteria bangunan yang mendukung konsep bangunan berkelanjutan (sustainable development) merupakan bangunan dimana sejak dimulai dalam taha…
This study aims to determine the role of self acceptance and optimism towards life satisfaction of early adults who are not in a romantic relationship. This study showed that there are self accepta…
Sembilang National Park area has resources of blood clams (Anadara granosa). Catching Anadara granosa is done traditionally by using hands at low tide. To maintain shellfish resources, it is necess…
Waste is a problem in people’s lives in urban or residential areas.The waste volume continues to increase along with the increased population and can decrease the quality of life of the people li…
The estimation results of the long-term equation show that it can be formulated as a peer to peer lending model based on the amount of economic growth and interest rates that are said to be towards…
A financial statement that is already approved by an auditor would be likely more appealing for the stakeholders to take needed measures. An auditor has an obligation to evaluate a company in their…
Every business entity has goals to be achieved. Therefore, employees who are cooperative and of good quality are needed. By conducting employee performance appraisals, business entities can find ou…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memproduksi tepung buah nipah (Nypa furtican) dengan proses defatting dan deproteinasi dan mengetahui pengaruh proses defatting dan deproteinasi terhadap karakteristi…
Pepper plant (Capsicum annum Var. Grossum L.) is a plant originating from Mexico, Latin America. Paprica is one of variety of chili that tastes not spicy, besides being used as a food, paprika is a…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakteristik fisik, kimia dan sensoris selai lembaran rumput laut {Eucheuma cottonii and Gracilaria sp.) dengan penambahan ekstrak secang. Penelitian ini di…
Penelitian ini mengenai karakteristik snack bar dengan variasi suhu pemanggangan dan perbandingan tepung ampas kelapa dengan tepung kedelai. Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial (RALF) yang digunakan d…