Edisi kali ini menampilkan 10 Artikel: 1. Analisis Finansial Perkebunan Kayuputih Skala Kecil: Studi Kasus Pilot Project Pengembangan Kayuputih untuk Kelompok Tani di Kampung Rimbajaya, Distrik Bi…
This book gathers peer-reviewed contributions presented at the 3rd RILEM Spring Convention and Conference, held at Guimarães and hosted by the University of Minho, Portugal, on March 9-14, 2020. T…
This book gathers the papers of the PUDCAD Universal Design Practice Conference: Game + Design Education, organized by Istanbul Technical University and held online on June 24-26, 2020. The confere…
This book focuses on the integration of intelligent communication systems, control systems and devices related to all aspects of engineering and sciences. It includes high-quality research papers f…
This study aims to determine the relationship between the application of ICT-based media "kahoot" to students' learning motivation in Civics subjects in class X SMAN 01 Palembang. The researcher us…
One application of an expert system application that can be used to diagnose diseases in rabbits. This study aims to create an expert system using the Variable- Centered Intelligent Rule System and…
Background: Heart failure is one of health problems with high prevalence, poor clinical manifestation, and high treatment expense. Hypertension, diabetes mellitus (DM), and coronary heart disease (…
Clustering is a branch of data mining methodology which objective is to cluster multiple objects to form a group of different clusters, some of the algorithm that have been applied in this methodol…