This book presents a comprehensive analysis of the existing nature of India’s groundwater laws. In the backdrop of the gravity of groundwater crisis that threatens to engulf the country, the book…
This research was conducted with the aim to produce E-Modules of polymers in solution, solids, and amorphous based on problem-based learning that are valid, practical and effective. This research u…
Triangle Syariah Justice Ecosystem: Constructing Business Model of Pension Fund Fahmi Alamil Huda, Andiyani Kurnia Indonesia's National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS): Digital Transformation in Managing Z…
Port infrastructure plays an important role in supporting inter-island connectivity and marine transportation services. In this study, we used the K-means clustering method to identify patterns and…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan signifikan antara kontribusi kekuatan otot lengan terhadap servis bawah, koordinasi mata tangan terhadap servis bawah dalam permainan bolavoli pad…
The purpose of this research is: to describe how busy book media can help improve early reading skills in children aged 4-5 years with the subject of 9 children 5 girls 4 boys. The method used in t…
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Azotobacter concentration as a mixture of liquid organic fertilizer on the recovery of rubber tree bark (Hevea brasiliensis) Var. PB 260. Ex…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbandingan Reksa dana saham syariah antara di Indonesia dan Malaysia periode 2017-2021 dengan menggunakan analisis regresi data panel. Metode penelitia…
This research aims to investigate one of the innovations in public services through a program in the field of population and civil registration, known as "Jam Kunci" at the Department for Populatio…
Dye Sensitized Solar Cell dapat mengkonversi energi matahari menjadi energi listrik. Dye yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu zat antosianin yang berasal dari ekstrak buah senduduk. Pada peneli…
This book covers several themes related to forestry, agriculture, water, soil, urban, and atmospheric research. GIScience technology systems have increased in significance in recent decades and hav…
This research aims to analyze the argumentative abilities of class XII high school students in proving the material of three-dimensional with the help of two-column proofs, the subjects of this stu…
The high risk of aircraft accidents, 63% during takeoff and 49% during the landing process, can be analyzed through ADS-B signal data owned by flights. The data collected through the AERO-TRACK app…
This research is entitled "The Behavior of Women Active Smokers in Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu". This research aims to determine the behavior of women who are active smokers. Particularly, this…
This book features high-quality research papers presented at the 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (ICACIE 2019), Department of Computer Science, Rama D…
This book features high-quality research papers presented at the 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (ICACIE 2019), Department of Computer Science, Rama D…
This book focuses on theory, practice and applications in the broad areas of advanced computing techniques and intelligent engineering. This book includes 74 scholarly articles which were accepted …
E-commerce is an online channel that can be reached by a person through computer services and is used by business people in carrying out their business activities, e-commerce can also be used by co…
The book gathers high-quality research papers presented at the International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (ICACIE 2017). It includes technical sections describing pr…
The waste transportation route problem can be modeled as an Asymmetric Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (ACVRP) with the condition that the journey from place i to place j is not the same as the…
Pathogenic bacteria are diseasecausing microorganisms that can infect fish and can cause mass mortality in cultured fish. This study aims to obtain and classify isolates of pathogenic bacteria from…
This book features high-quality research papers presented at the International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (ICACIE 2017). It includes sections describing technical …
White tea contains catechins which have pharmacological effects as antioxidants. This study used test animals in the form of male Wistar rats which were divided into seven groups: normal group, neg…