Background: Thalassemia is a hemolytic disease that is inherited as autosomal recessive form disturbance synthesis globin chain up to occur decline cell blood redness and chronic anemia and must bl…
Chaya plant (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius) is a plant that belongs to the annual vegetables group, this plant originated from the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. Chaya plants are cultivated by vegetative…
Background: The percentage of Indonesian who receives treatment from dental health service facilities according to Riskesdas 2018 is only 10.2%. Factors related to the utilization of dental health …
The waste problem is a still serious problem that continues to be considered, such as the problem of transporting waste. The waste problem can be solved by determining the optimal route of waste tr…
Background: Premature rupture of membrane (PROM) is the condition of rupture of the fetal membrane prior to the onset of labor. PROM is one of the most common of obstetrical complications. It cause…
Skripsi ini berjudul: “Tinjauan Kriminologi Terhadap Tindak Pidana Produsen Yang Menggunakan Bahan Tambahan Pangan Yang Dilarang”. Penulisan skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh Undang-Undang Nomo…
This study entitled “The effects of Laurier Healthy Skin Night Advertisment Attractiveness Towards Buying Decision. (Study on Senior High School 8 Palembang ). This research aims to examine the e…
This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the international regime, namely ACFTA, which is an international regime consisting of member countries of ASEAN and China which regulates market lib…
Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA) is a repository for articles in PDF files, All PDF files have metadata that can be used by hackers so that PDF files become PDF Malware. In the metadata of PDF Malwar…
This research aims to determine the effect of: 1) The use of social media on entrepreneurial interests in Students of Economic Education, Sriwijaya University, 2) Entrepreneurial knowledge of entre…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh padat tebar yang berbeda terhadap kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan larva ikan betok pada tahap pendederan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Unit Pembe…
This study aimed to determine the effect of maturity and duration of ultrasonication on the physical and chemical characteristics of fresh cut pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr) Queen Variety. Th…
Background : Indonesia is the fourth largest country in the w'orid in tenns ojpopulation. One artempt lo suppress the population growth is hy reducing the numher oj hirths. Efforts to control the b…
This research aims to know pump needs and water pump debit to support planting index 200 in swamp rice fields. Implemented of the research in May - June 2021 at Pelabuhan Dalam village, Pemulutan s…
Background : Pneumonia is number one killer of under five year old children. Profile Data from Health Department Palembang in 2010 showed that 5.036 toodlers found to have pneumonia. Largest number…
The discussion on this research is about ”The pattern of patron client relationship between dammar mata kucing farmers and middleman”. This research was carried out in Penengahan Karya Penggawa…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat tanggung jawab peserta didik terhadap penyelesaian tugas mandiri pembelajaran daring mata pelajaran PPKn kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 2 Tanjung Raja, p…
Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) (Merr) is one of promising commodity in Indonesia. The crop contribute significantly to economic development in the country, especially in rural areas. Pineapple belo…
This study was aimed to determine various oils as attractant sources on fruit flies, the effective time of each oil and to count the fruit flies population and species trapped. All observations wer…
This research diseusses what things are the main focus of Revenue Department in Palembang relating to readiness of the administration of Land and Property Tax (PBB) collection efforts and what it c…
The objectives of this study were to: (1) measure farmers 'perceptions of Pencetakan Sawah Program, (2) calculate farmer household income, (3) analyze the relationship between farmers' perceptions …
Promosi jabatan ialah saat seseorang karyawan pindah pekerjaan ke pekerjaan lain dengan tanggung jawab lebih besar, posisi serta pendapatan yang lebih besar dari sebelumnya. P…
Peratura.n Pemeriutah Nomor 23 Tahun 2005 tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Badaa Layanan Umum
This research was to find out the influence of Singapore lnterbank Offer Rate (SIBOR) and investment credit rate ratios and gross domestic product (GDP) on foreign direct investment (FDI) in Indone…
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai eksistensi partai politik dalam pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan berdasarkan Pancasila. Pancasila sebagai sumber dalam pembentukan peraturan perundang–undang…
ABSTRAK Persaingan para pelaku usaha yang cukup ketat membuat para pelaku usaha melakukan perbuatan yang tidak wajar dalam memproduksi pangan yaitu banyaknya beredar produk olahan pangan kemasan ya…