Background. Tuberculosis is a disease caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Diseases that can attack the lungs. They can generally transmit these bacteria through infected drople…
Background: Soft liner is a dental material utilized as a cushion on the surface of denture base. There are two types of soft liner, acrylic soft liner and silicone soft liner. Throughout its use o…
Jumputan in the coloring process often uses synthetic dyes. Excessive use can trigger problems because it produces industrial liquid waste which is directly discharged into the environment without …
Penelitian studi menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 85% orang mengidap gangguan jiwa pada negara-negara berkembang terkhususnya di Indonesia. Kota Palembang sebagai ibukota dari Sumatera Selatan diketahu…
World Trade Organization (WTO) sebagai organisasi yang bergerak dalam bidang perdagangan membuat kebijakan yakni special and differential treatment dengan tujuan membuat Negara berkembang masuk ked…
The aims of this study to establish the influence of non-physical environment on employee performance at Badan Pengusahaan Kawasan Perdagangan Bebas dan Pelabuhan Bebas Batam. The sample used a ran…
This research aims to analyze the influence of viral marketing and brand ambassadors toward purchase decisions on Scarlett Whitening products in Palembang city. The research method used is a quanti…
Salary is a form of service that is provided regularly to an employee for the results of his work, PT. Kelantan Sakti Ogan Komering Ilir South Sumatra is a company engaged in the oil palm commodity…
This study aims to determine the level of physical condition of the Bhayangkara Sriwijaya FC football team in preparation for the third league of South Sumatra Province in 2022. This type of resear…
Wild animal material has been introduced by teachers and parents only in the traditional way through pictures, books, and children's magazines. In general, this can cause children to get bored quic…
This research is entitled "The Effect Of Monopoly Learning Media Application on Students' Learning Outcomes in History Lesson at 10th Grade Students at Senior High School Number 03 Lebong". The for…
This study aims to determine the role of Balai Besar POM (BBPOM) in reducing the circulation of traditional medicines containing hazardous chemicals and counterfeiting POM numbers. This study uses …
The reasearch objective was to know the performance of the chopper knife blade rotation speed with several variations in the number of blades on animal feed chopper machines. This research was cond…
Endometrial cancer is the third most gynecological cancer in Indonesia. In 2005, endometrial cancer is the fourth most gynecologic cancer observed at Obstetrics Gynecology Department of Mohammad Ho…
Demam typhoid masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia dengan insiden antara 350 — 810 kasus per 100000 penduduk dan CFR berkisar 3 %. Penyakit ini berhubungan erat dengan higiene p…
Background:Malaria was still a cause of morbidity and mortality in infants, children and adults (especially pregnant women), especially in tropical countries such as Indonesia. This study aims to i…
Verbal sexual harassment (catcalling) is a form of sexual harassment in a public space in the form of whistling, flirting by saying sexual words, or commenting on a woman's body shape that she does…
Introduction: Staphylococcus aureus is a pathogen causing some infections such as skin and soft tissue infections, bacteremia, pneumonia, and endocarditis. Treatment of the infections is very compl…
Penelitian ini berjudul “Pengaruh latihan menarik karung Pasir Menggunakan Prinsip Katrol Terhadap Kekuatan Lengan Untuk Melempar Bola Softball Pada Siswa Putra Kelas X di SMA Pusri Palembang”.…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang Pengaruh Permainan Hijau Hitam Terhadap Peningkatan Hasil Lari Sprint 60 meter Pada Siswa Kelas VI SD Negeri 12 Prabumulih.Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah apak…
Red lettuce is a leafy vegetable contains high nutrients and vitamins beneficial for human health. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of population densities and application rates o…
This study aims to determine whether the material in the textbook for students with the sub-theme How the Body Processes Clean Air, the sub-theme The Importance of Clean Air for Breathing, the sub-…