Edisi kali ini menampilkan 11 Artikel: 1. Jangka Benah: Alternatif Solusi Persoalan Keterlanjuran Kebun Kelapa Sawit Monokultur di Kawasan Hutan, Susanto, Ari 2. Autecology of Begonia in Several …
This study aims to determine the strategy of the Eastern OKU Student Leadership Training Alumni Association (IKA LKS) in developing student leadership attitudes in East OKU District. This research …
The title of this research is "Analysis of Stakeholder Roles in the Implementation of Special Disability Outreach Program at the Population and Civil Registration Office of Palembang City.". The ob…
Buku Ajar Patologi Robbins, Edisi 7, Menyajikan isi yang lengkap namun lebih ringkas. Edisi baru ini disusun berdasarkan tradisi buku Robbins yang mudah dimanfaatkan oleh Pembaca. Edisi ini menawar…
PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk. adalah perusahaan dengan komoditas industri di bidang semen. Produk yang diolah berupa batu gamping. Batu gamping di daerah ini ditambang menggunakan metode tambang…
Human milk is the best nutrition for babies to support their growth and development. There is a tendency for mother to stop breastfeeding because of their working status. Working mothers however ca…
This study aims to know the effect of parent's self-efficacy to the preference's suitability of students' study program faculty of teacher training and education sriwijaya university. It used ex-po…