Penelitian ini berjudul “Upaya Anonimisasi Terhadap Identitas Korban Di Era Digital Yang Mudah Akses Berdasarkan Keputusan Ketua Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 1-144/Kma/Sk/I/2011”. Ru…
Knowledge and experience possessed by teachers of SMK Negeri 2 Palembang from teachers who are still actively teaching or who have retired are still stored in each individual and are not well docum…
This study aims to explain how the idiosyncratic factor of King Salman in Saudi Arabia's foreign policy in the form of military intervention in the Yemen conflict issued by Saudi Arabia under the r…
Latar Belakang: Thalassemia merupakan genetik autosomal resesif karena kelainan pada gen pengkode protein globin. Hal tersebut menyebabkan gangguan sintesis globin berupa tidak ada atau menurunnya …
Premedikasi pra-transfusi umumnya diberikan secara klinis walaupun kurang terbukti dari efisiensinya. Premedikasi digunakan untuk mencegah demam dan alergi akibat reaksi transfusi. Reaksi transfusi…
Pada umumnya, minyak bumi sering digunakan sebagai isolasi cair karena kinerjanya yang baik dan harganya yang relative murah. Namun minyak bumi yang memiliki sifat tidak dapat diperbarui jika digun…
The purpose of this study was to determine how the effect of giving fair financial compensation to the loyalty of sales marketing employees of PT.Setiajaya Mobilindo Depok. The population in this s…
Internet makes people easy to exchange data. Information on any existing data is basically a secret. In another sense, data security is very important to be noted. One way that can be done to maint…
The aims of this study were determine the dose of NPK fertilizer specific to the location with the application of cow manure to growth and yield of paddy Inpara 8. this research was done in green h…