Library is a means of formal and informal education facility, it’s means tha the library is a place to ieam outside of school as well as a place to leam in the educational environtment. Regional …
This book, as a part of a series of CERES publications, provides a multi-regional and cross-sectoral analysis of food and water security, especially in the era of climate risks, biodiversity loss, …
Pondasi rakit merupakan suatu telapak gabungan yang mencakup seluruh luasan yang ada dibawah bangunan dan mendukung seluruh beban konstruksi diatasnya. Apabila beban bangunan sangat besar dan daya …
This study aims to determine the effect of application of liquid organic fertilizer from durian skin waste to the growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) Servo Variety. This rese…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis secara empiris pengaruh Return On Assets, Current Ratio, Debt To Equity Ratio dan Total Assets Turnover terhadap Price to Book Value. Data ya…
Background: Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is one of the most common kidney diseases in children. NS can cause complications that are divided into two, which are infections and non-infections. Infections …
This study aims to examine the effect of tax avoidance and corporate debt on firm value with corporate governance as a moderating variable in Manufacturing Companies in the Consumer Goods Industry …
Skripsi ini berjudul “Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Lompat Tinggi Gaya Gunting Melalui Metode Permainan Lompat Tali Pada Siswa Kelas V A SD Negeri 72 Pagar Alam”. Masalah dalam penelitian in…
Ekonomi kreatif merupakan kegiatan ekonomi yang lebih mengutamakan kreatifitas dan keterampilan dari masyarakat dengan tujuan adanya pembangunan berkelanjutan. Tidak hanya di kota-kota saja, ekonom…
Penelitian tentang “Inventarisasi Kumbang Koksi (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) Sebagai Musuh Alami Aphis craccivora Koch. (Homoptera: Aphididae) Pada Tanaman Kacang Panjang (Vigna sinensis L.) Di Da…
A beauty vlogger is someone who creates and uploads videos about beauty. Beauty here is defined as what is used in relation to skincare, makeup, or other beauty tools by vloggers. The purpose of th…
This study aims to determine how the influence of the trust in brand dimension on customer loyalty at Starbucks Coffee Kambang Iwak Palembang. The sampling method used in this study uses a non-prob…
PT Bima Putra Abadi Citranusa (BPAC) merupakan anak perusahaan dari Bomba Group yang bergerak di bidang industri pertambangan batubara. Terletak di Desa Lubuk Betung, Kabupaten Lahat. Penelitian in…
Research entitled implementation of the 2019 phase III community-based drinking water and sanitation program (Pamsimas) in Ogan Ilir Regency was motivated by a budget that did not match what was pl…
The aim of this research is to anaJyze the factors that influence CSR voluntary disclosure of wholesaJe industry company. CSR voluntary disclosure in this research related to firm characteristics t…
Buku ini disusun untuk menjadi acuan bagi lembaga pendidikan atau perguruan tinggi yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan atau mata kuliah fotografi, tetapi selama ini kesulitan mencari buku pegangan bag…