This study aimed to determine whether storyboard media is an effective way to improve writing skills, especially for recount text writing. The subject of this research was 31 students of VIII B at …
Adanya ketidaksetaraan indeks pembangunan manusia antara kawasan ASEAN masih heterogen terutama pada perbedaan kualitas dan kuantitas bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan yang merupakan tolok ukur indek…
Industrial performance measurement is an effort to find information about the results achieved by the industry and measure how far deviations occur due to certain conditions in a period. This study…
This book explores the reality of ageing and old age from the perspectives of the individual and society. It emphasizes cross-cultural aspects of ageing and communication issues both within and acr…
Pengembangan media pembelajaran button board pada materi penjumlahan dan pengurangan siswa kelas I di sdn 001 Palembang bertujuan untuk mengetahui prosedur pembuatan produk, kualitas produk dan kep…
This book examines the topic of learning design from a human, interactive, and collaborative perspective. A variety of pedagogic and instructional modalities are thoroughly investigated as methodol…
This volume is the result of the annual Summer research symposium sponsored by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). The twenty-two chapters in this volume seek to e…
This research aims to determine the characteristics of colour uniformity of roasted robusta coffee beans using image processing based on the roasting level. The treatment factors were analyzed usin…
Penurunan dan rendahnya daya dukung tanah merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab kerusakan pada kontruksi bangunan. Meningkatnya kebutuhan akan pemukiman menyebabkan tanah yang memiliki daya dukung r…
Hydrogen can be used as an energy carrier be converted into electrical energy using a fuel cell with a by product of water. In nature, there are a lot of abundance of hydrogen however the existence…
The declining quality of life and the community's vulnerability can worsen the Covid-19 pandemic. Social vulnerability is a characteristic of a group that can threaten their ability to prevent, cop…
A control system has been designed to determine the amount of salt mixture that will be used as a power plant test load with fuzzy logic control. Power plant testing aims to find out how well a pow…
POTENSI Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv SEBAGAI ALGASIDA ALAMI DALAM MENURUNKAN JUMLAH SEL ALGA PADA SKALA LABORATORIUM Yulita Marisa, Marieska Verawaty Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan I…
This study aimed to determine the effect of dividend policy, profitability, and firm size on the value of the company of plantation sub sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memodifikasi alat penyerut daun nenas tipe silinder, yaitu memperbaiki sistem gerakan landasan dengan menggunakan tenaga listrik, dan penjepit dengan sistem pengunci …
To achieve competitive advantage, every company is required to continuously improve and effectivity and efficiency. The achievement of effectivity and efficiency can be done with supervision and in…
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) mendeskripsikan saluran pemasaran sayuran di Desa Tambak Boyo Kecamatan Buay Madang Timur Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur . (2) Menganalisis marjin pem…
Ketika manusia memasuki masa tua mereka akan mengalami kehilangan fungsi tubuh ketika mereka muda serta orang-orang yang dikasihi karena meninggal dunia dan anak yang meninggalkan rumah karena beke…
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis strategi keunggulan bersaing lembaga penyiaran publik (LPP) TVRI Sumatera Selatan dengan pendekatan rantai nilai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode peneliti…