Porang starch (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) is not widely used because it still contains calcium oxalate. Porang starch has potential in the food industry if calcium oxalate is removed. The purpo…
This study aims to find out how compensation influences the performance of YWKA Vocational High School teachers in Palembang. This research uses saturation sampling technique. Thus the sample of th…
Transaksi elektronik khususnya pada pesan-antar makanan yang dilakukan secara online pada praktik potensial dilakukan oleh anak di bawah umur melalui gawai pribadi dalam hal ini menimbulkan masalah…
Indonesia Automatic Fingerprint Identification System atau Inafis merupakan unit khusus satuan kerja dibawah satuan kerja Reserse Kriminal (Reskrim) Polri yang akan dilibatkan dalam proses mengiden…
This research aims to find out the influence of work discipline on teacher performance at 26 Public Junior High School of Palembang. The data collected in this research are primary and secondary, u…
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of firm size, profitability, solvency, financial distress, operating complexity, and audit opinion on audit delay in manufacturing companies listed…
Manual classification of garden types is carried out only based on direct visual observation of garden images armed with experience and knowledge gained previously. Many problems arise when the pro…
Objectives in this study know the capital expenditure and the number of mobile phone use on economic growth sector. Information and communication province of sumatera. The data to research is value…
Pathogenic bacteria are diseasecausing microorganisms that can infect fish and can cause mass mortality in cultured fish. This study aims to obtain and classify isolates of pathogenic bacteria from…
This study aims to determine the effect of financial distress, profit management, management ability, and political connections on tax aggressiveness on manufacturing companies listed on the Indone…
Flaxseed oil (Linum usitatissimum) has been shown to enhance the function of the antioxidant system due to its antioxidant compounds such as phenols and vitamin E. The development of flaxseed oil i…
This study aims to find out about the teacher's role in stimulating the fine motor development of group b children at TK Bina Bangsa Palembang during the Covid-19 period. This research uses a quali…
This study aimed to describe the obstacles experienced by parents in disciplining their children against using gadgets in Sukajadi village, especially. The study used descriptive research with a qu…
Background : Muara Enim Regency is one of the malaria endemic districts in South Sumatra Province withThe most open material mining locations are in the villages of Tanjung Agung, Tanjung Lalang an…
The objectives of this study are: 1) Calculate the income of rubber farmers before and during the Covid-19 pandemic in Srikembang Village, Ogan Ilir Regency, 2) Analyze the factors that affect the …
The research objective is to analyze the effect of knowledge management and talent management on employee performance through employee development. The research sample is 150 employees who work at …
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan beton yang mempunyai kuat tekan yang tinggi dengan berat volume yang kecil. Pada penelitian ini digunakan subtitusi agregat kasar dengan biji karet yang …
Placenta previa is a placenta that lies at the bottom of the uterus, above or very close to the internal cervical ostium. The exact cause of placenta previa is still unknown, but several factors ha…
Competition in the business world is increasingly demanding that every company has to excel, and companies are also competing to get the best assessment from the general public. With this CSR activ…
service financing scheme model with three financing schemes, namely flat fee, usage-based and two-part tariff for Internet Service Providers (ISP) based on heterogeneous consumer satisfaction level…
In the case of criminal acts of corruption in the Baturaja Public Cemetery (TPU) for the 2013 fiscal year, there are differences in the assessment of state financial losses determined by the Region…