ABSTRACT ASI is the nutrition a baby needs to grow and develop optimally. Breastfeeding of ASI is also a form of reducing morbidity and mortality in infants. The family is the determining point and…
Edisi kali ini menampilkan 7 Artikel: 1. Meretas Jalan Meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) melalui Desa Wisata Panglipuran Bali, M. Bashori Imron 2. Peningkatan Kemampuan Sumber Daya Manusi…
This study aims to analyze the influence of profitability, solvency, firm size, firm age, and audit tenure on audit delay public before and during Covid-19 pandemic with accounting firm size as a m…
The bintaro plant (Cerbera manghas L.) is a poisonous plant of the Apocynaceae family that has potential as an anticancer agent because it contains secondary metabolite compounds that show cytotoxi…
Teenage pregnancy is a problem which is still increasing every year. The impact of teenage pregnancy can cause several health problems for mothers and their babies. Lack of knowledge regarding to t…
UMKM Kembang Mekar is the only UMKM that processes pineapples into dodol in Seri Kembang I Village, Payaraman Subdistrict, Ogan Ilir Regency. The aims of this study were: (1) Describe the profile o…
Pemenuhan hak pekerja perempuan yang bekerja pada perguruan tinggi di kota Palembang dilatarbelakangi dari pekerja perempuan yang memiliki hak kodrati (hak reproduksi) sehingga pada saat pekerja pe…
Traffic often occurs at Sekip Ujung intersection due to the increasing volume of vehicles in Palembang, Sumatera Selatan. Based on a survey conducted in 2019 and analyzed by traffic engineers, it i…
Tanaman kelapa sawit merupakan tanaman tropis yang perkebunannya banyak ditanam di Indonesia sebagai salah satu sektor utama perekonomian. Salah satu hama penting yaitu O. rhinoceros yang dapat men…
Background: Xanthine oxidase is an enzyme that catalyzes the formation of uric acid. It is known that kersen leaves contains secondary metabolites such as flavonoids, which have antihyperuricemia p…
Enhancement production annually oil coconut palm oil in Indonesia, so that support potency results side from extortion meat fruit core palm , the usual known with cake core palm , which one waste c…
This study is entitled "Parents' Strategy in Assisting Smartphone Use in Early Childhood in Tebat Agung Village, Rambang Niru District". The problem in this study is about the strategies of parents…
Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world, this is certainly a potential for Indonesia to become the World Maritime Axis. Reflection on the historical experience of our nation, esp…
The objectives of this research are: (1) to describe the hydroponic cultivation method and supply network of input supply in Family Hidroponik Jambi, 2) to analyze the income and financial feasibil…
Obesitas menimbulkan bermacam efek terhadap pertumbuhan, perkembangan psikososial dan timbulnya penyakit. Stigma dan diskriminasi terhadap orang yang mengalami overweight dan obesitas dapat memacu …
Suatu perjanjian adalah suatu perbuatan dengan mana satu orang atau lebih mengikatkan dirinya terhadap satu orang lain atau lebih. Bentuk perjanjian pada umumnya beraneka ragam seperti perjanjian j…
In this monograph the authors present an overview of the state-of-the-art and use examples or case histories to illustrate the combined role of rock decay and rivers on continental denudation. The …
Pembuatan rencana asuhan keperawatan (KKN) yang terdiri dari diagnosis, eksternal, dan intervensi keperawatan dalam praktiknya masih banyak ditemukan kesalahan. Kesalahan yang ditemukan pada setiap…
Tea is a drink that is familiar inlife everyday. Tea has many health benefits. The phytochemical screening for papaya leaves showed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and glucosides. P…
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between celebrity worship and consumptive behavior on women fans of BTS in Kota Palembang. The hypothesis of this study includes the relat…
Youtube is a social media that provides many shows, one of which is movie Trailers. A film Trailer is a short Trailer from a film that is used as a promotional medium. Through the comments on the m…
Skripsi ini dengan judul “Peran Kejaksaan Negeri Palembang dalam Menaggulangi Terjadinya Masa Penahanan Melebihi Batas (Overstaying) Narapidana Dirumah Tahanan.” Adapun perumusan masalah dalam …
The purpose of this research was to analyze the optimal portofolio strategy on LQ 45 share to determine investment options based on portofolio forming in active strategy. Moreover, this research al…
Chemical Engineering Laboratory of Sriwijaya University is one of the buildings that stores flammable and oxidized chemicals and electrical equipment that has a risk of fire. Emergency response pla…
This research discussed about “The lifestyle of food, fun, and fashion (3f) on Sriwijaya University Palembang Campus’s students”. The problem of this research is the lifestyle of food, fun, a…
Advertising is kind of presentation or non-personal promotion of ideas, goods, and Services by a sponsor. To measure its effectiveness can be beneficial to determine whether or not an advertisement…
Background: Oral cancer is rank worldwide as the eighteenth most diagnosed cancer amongst all cancer types. Based on Basic Health Research 2018 data, the incidence of oral cancer in Indonesia was 5…