This study intends to see the effect of Project Based Learning interactive media on the attitude of responsibility in group B children. The research method used in this study is a quantitative expe…
The purpose of this research is to let us know operational audit implementation on PT Sapta Sari Tama Palembang which engaged in medical devices and drugs distribution to study account receivables …
Upwelling is a phenomenon that often occurs in the oceans. Upwelling itself is defined as the process of increasing the mass of seawater in the deep sea layers to the surface caused by a void of se…
Electrical energy is one of the energy that is needed in life. In the current modernization era, the demand for electrical energy in Indonesia tends to increase. One of the uses of electricity that…
Perkembangan komputer saat ini sangat pesat seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Perkembangan tersebut diikuti dengan semakin meluasnya penggunaan komputer pad…
Pemerintah mengendalikan perkembangan kegiatan penangkapan ikan melalui Permen KP No PER.05/MEN/2012 dan Permen KP No. PER.10/MEN/2013 guna menjaga kelestarian sumber daya perikana…