Edisi kali ini menpilkan 7 Artikel: 1. Editorial Note: Covid-19 Outbreak and Development Planning in Indonesia, Muhyiddin 2. The Role of Capital Inflow through Saving-Investment Framework: The C…
Handling about Children in Conflict with the Law (ABH) is a for the government and society. Child delinquency in the current era of globalization is no longer a simple phenomenon, but has expanded …
Background: Lecturers are one of the parties who determine the success or failure of the learning process. Learning at the Faculty of Medicine is currently more student-centered, but lecturers stil…
This research aims to develop animaker animated video learning media based on problem based learning on material on the characteristics of living creatures for class III elementary school and also …
This study aims to produce products, determine the validity, practicality and determine the effectiveness of the use of the development of HOTS-Based E-LKPD Using the Liveworksheet application to t…
Diarrhoea is responsible for the death of 370,000 children worldwide and accounts for 14.5% of infant deaths in Indonesia; in the Palemraya Health Centre working area, the incidence of diarrhoea in…
Penelitian yang berjudul ‘’Struktur Komunitas Makrozoobentos di Sungai Air Bengkulu, Kota Bengkulu’’ dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus sampai dengan selesai 2022, bertempat di Sungai Air Beng…
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui aktivitas dari ekstrak daun sungkai (Peronema canescens Jack.) yang memiliki senyawa flavonoid terhadap pertumbuhan dari probiotik Lactobacillus plantarum.…
PT Triaryani is a company engaged in coal mining located in the Nibung District and Rawas Ilir District, North Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra Province. The 7 km mining road from the coal stockpi…
This research is entitled "Development of Android-Based Interactive Learning Media Using Smart Apps Creator Material on the Role of Characters Around the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence Cla…
This study aims to determine the effect of applying the mind mapping method to students' critical and creative thinking skills in Civics lessons at SMPN 1 Belitang Madang Raya. This study uses a qu…
The Palembang City Public Relations Coordinating Board is one of the government agencies that uses Instagram social media as a publication medium. A big challenge for the Public Relations team that…
Skripsi ini berjudul Disparitas Putusan Hakim pada Tindak Pidana Penganiayaan Berat yang Direncanakan (Analisis Putusan Nomor 1004/Pid.B/2017/PN Plg dan Putusan Nomor 936/Pid.B/2021/PN Plg). Rumusa…
Latar Belakang : Kanker ovarium merupakan salah satu kanker ginekologi paling umum yang menempati urutan ketiga setelah kanker payudara dan kanker serviks. Kanker ovarium memiliki prognosis terburu…
Short-term memory is a neurochemical process in the brain to encode, store, and retrieve information quickly. One of the good habits for improving memory is memorizing Quran. Memorizing Quran is an…
This study aims to describe three aspects of basic teaching skills in online micro teaching courses for students of the Economics Education Study Program class of 2019 FKIP Sriwijaya University. Th…
Kucing merupakan hewan yang dikenal jinak dan akrab dengan manusia,dan menjadi peliharaan banyak orang. Kesehatan kucing juga harus diperhatikan, kucing yang rentan terhadap suatu penyakit dapat me…
Silver particles have antibacterial properties. The antibacterial ability of silver particles is influenced by the physical characteristics of the particles such as size, shape, and surface propert…
Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang “Studi Isolasi Enzim Proteolitik dari Getah Buah Pepaya (Carica papaya L) dan Penetapan Kualitasnya dengan Menggunakan Metode Penggumpalan Susu. Tujuan Peneliti…
This study aims to determine the relationship between Problem Focused Coping Strategy and Academic Procrastination in UPT Students of SMA Negeri 10 Ogan Ilir. The population in this study was class…
Ansietas merupakan psediktor kisat dari adiksi internet Akan tetapi, terdapat kesenjangan antara postulat tgrsefeut sistematis yang menunjukkan bahwa hampir setengah dasi s&udi aseneraukaa ht&ungan…
The research objective was to determine the performance of blade rotation speed with several variations in the number of blades on an animal feed chopper using several types of forage. The data obt…
This study aims to prove the effect of learning styles on the learning achievement of students in Economic Education at Sriwijaya University batch 2019. This research is a causal associative resear…