The research is entitled “the influence of family support on achievement motivation of athletes with disabilities in National Paralympic Committee of Indonesia Musi Banyuasin”. The purpose of t…
Background : The risk of violent behavior arises due to discomfort and panic that occurs due to stressors from inside and outside the environment. Violent behavior that arises in schizophrenic clie…
This research is entitled “Evaluasi Kegiatan Pelatihan Dasar (Latsar) bagi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) Golongan III Kabupaten Ogan Ilir Tahun 2019”. This study aims to determine the evalua…
Pembatalan perjanjian adalah suatu keadaan yang membawa akibat suatu hubungan kontraktual atau perjanjian itu dianggap tidak pernah ada. Pembatalan perjanjian sendiri diakui dan di atur dalam KUHPe…
Baby blues is a feeling of sadness and anxiety experienced by women after giving birth until day 14 and peaks on days three to five. When the baby blues is not resolved, it will develop be postpart…