This edited volume includes contributions on education within a world of challenges by authors with diverse experiences and perspectives. Together, the authors reflect on educational initiatives an…
This book covers the latest developments in life cycle assessment LCA both in terms of methodology and its application in various research areas. It includes methodological questions as well as cas…
The automobile is going through the biggest transformation in its history. Automation and electrification of vehicles are expected to enable safer and cleaner mobility. The prospects and requiremen…
Zeolites and zeolite-like materials became important because of their ion exchange capacities and their outstanding catalytic properties. Millions of tons of zeolites have been produced in the past…
Makroekonomi membahas tingkah laku perekonomian secara keseluruhan termasuk boom dan resesi, total output dari barang dan jasa, pertumbuhan output, tingkat inflasi dan pengangguran, neraca pembayar…
Includes bibliographical references and index.