Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan produk bahan ajar berupa modul digital interaktif digital flipbook untuk materi pembelajaran menulis cerita rakyat di SMA Negeri 1 Simpang Teritip. Penelitian …
Peneliti mencoba mengangkat fokus kajian upaya petani bibit buah dalam meningkatan pendapatan keluarga. Ditinjuau dari aspek peningkatan pendapatan keluarga petani bibit buah, untuk menganalisis ba…
Era modern ini, masyarakat selaku konsumen banyak memilih untuk berbelanja secara online yang memiliki begitu banyak kemudahan yang ditawarkan serta berbagai bentuk permasalahan yang kebanyakan sul…
This research is entitled the Development of the Indonesia Ulama Council in South Sumatera Province during the K.H.O. Gadjahnata period 1990-1995 Contribution to the Course on Developing Local Hist…
Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas di seluruh bidang dengan mengoptimalkan penggunaan teknologi. Inspektorat Provinsi Sumatera Selatan merupakan …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh pemanfaatan waktu belajar di luar jam pelajaran terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah pengembangan media pembelajaran ekonomi Pendidi…
Telah berhasil dikembangkan modul elektronik berbasis 3D page flip professional pada mata kuliah astrofisika yang valid dan praktis. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan Rowntree, yang ter…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh harga komoditas emas danCrued Palm Oil (CPO) terhadap nilai tukar Bitcoin dan dampaknya terhadappertumbuhan saham di Indonesia pada periode 2017…
This study aims to develop interactive learning media based on the Canva application on the sub-theme of peredaran darahku sehat for class V SD Negeri 5 Indralaya and to describe the responses of s…
Skripsi yang berjudul “PERLINDUNGAN HAK PEKERJA TERHADAP PEMUTUSAN HUBUNGAN KERJA YANG TIDAK PROSEDURAL (Analisis Putusan Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial Nomor: 20/Pdt.Sus-PHI/2017/PN.Plg)”. Set…
This study aims to examine the Effect of Work Motivation on Employee Performance at PT Kaiser Steel Industri Palembang Branch. The data used in this research is primary data with a sample of 58 emp…
This study aims to determine the effect of goal target training on the accuracy of futsal shooting at the Simpang Teritip District Futsal Association (AFK). The method used in this study is a quasi…
Organizational performance is the level of the organization's ability to carry out its duties and responsibilities in accordance with the planning set to be able to meet the goals, objectives, visi…
Electricity will become increasingly important in people's lives over time. This is because almost all human activities rely on electrical energy, especially in the current modern era where technol…
This study aims to identify, describe, and criticize the use of the SIMFONI-PPA application (Online Information System for the Protection of Women and Children) at the Office of Women's Empowerment…
Kemajuan teknologi informasi khususnya yang terjadi pada masa ini membawa perubahan kearah yang positif namun juga dapat membawa perubahan kearah yang negatif pula, hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan t…
Hujan merupakan fenomena alam yang sangat penting keberadaannya baik bagi pertanian maupun kehidupan kita. Dalam jumlah yang cukup dan terkendali, hujan merupakan Rahmat Tuhan yang tidak berhingga …
Lightweight concrete is a type of material that is starting to be needed in today's modern construction sector. Applied to non-structural and structural materials. In addition to having good mechan…
Sandwich panels were created to achieve optimal weight efficiency with high rigidity and strength. The main factor in Sandwich Panel material is the lightweight core, which reduces the specific gra…
Cervical cancer ranks among the leading causes of death in women worldwide. In Indonesia, the incidence of cervical cancer is particularly high and is expected to rise further in the future. Howeve…
Di era pembangunan ini, semakin banyak struktur beton gedung bertingkat yang dibangun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia. Semakin tinggi suatu gedung maka semakin besar resiko keruntuhan yang terjadi…
Baterai lithium-ion telah digunakan sebagai media penyimpan energi listrik portabel karena memiliki densitas energi tinggi dan siklus hidup yang panjang. penyimpanan energi pada baterai lithium-ion…
International cooperation is important for every country. This collaboration can take the form of various activities, both in the education, security, trade, industry, and so on. The free trade phe…
This research was motivated by a decrease in work discipline from employees at the Ogan ilir Eavironment und land Service, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to reveal the Wor…
Research on the role of wild peas (Calopogonium mucunoides) in the conservation of beneficial insects around rice fields agroecosystems in Belitang and its contribution to high school biology learn…
The focus of this research is the port knocking method, which is applied to MikroTik routers. Frequent attacks are carried out through the service port in a freely open state, this is a threat to d…
Blood meal is a product of livestock that can be used as feed that has a good source of protein for livestock. This research was to determine the best type of absorbance in the process of processin…