Bibliografi: p. 255
Penulisan skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi dalam Undang-Undang No. 14 Tahun 1985 tentang Mahkamah Agung menjelaskan bahwa Peninjauan kembali dapat diajukan atas Putusan yang berkekuatan hukum tetap. Sa…
Edisi kali ini menampilkan 9 Artikel: 1. The Legal Aspect of the Tax Competition in EU: Case of Kosovo, Fitore Gezim Morina 2. The Political Law on Coal Mining in the Fulfilment of People's Welfa…
Analisis curah hujan wilayah ekuatorial Indonesia berbasis machine learning telah selesai dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis curah hujan wilayah ekuatorial Indonesia berbasis machi…
This study aims to describe equipment planning, describe the organizational structure of the workshop, find out the implementation of equipment management, describe the supervision of equipment man…
This research aims to compare the elements of heroism in the Hollywood film "Hacksaw Ridge" and the local film "Jenderal Soedirman," as well as identify the cultural influences that shape these her…
This research aims to describe the taxonomy processes of deliberate practice and kanban on mental learning and transfer assignments of economics for IIS students at SMAN 10 Palembang. The instrumen…
Pest attacks on red chili plants can cause damage to crop failure. Damage caused by pest attacks on red chili plants causes yield losses can reach 25-100%. The purpose of this study was to test the…
The objectives of this research is to describe information on the histori of kretek and the hypogram between book Membunuh Indonesia Konspirasi Global Penghancuran Kretek by Abhisam DM, Hasriadi Ar…
Background: Ergonomics is the science of designing jobs that suit the needs of workers compared to the physical body according to the work. In ergornomics there are risk factors, Ergonomics risk fa…
This study aims to find out the strategy formulation of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in implementing the Merdeka Curriculum at SMAN 10 Kota Palembang. The research s…
LinkAja is a mobile payment service application operating in Indonesia. This study aims to find evidence of the influence of customer relationship management on customer satisfaction and loyalty. T…
This research aims to determine the fuel consumption of an iron-wheeled hand tractor in soil processing with various tillage depths, forward speeds, and load weights. The study was conducted from M…
Jagung berperan penting sebagai salah satu sumber pangan bagi manusia dan hewan. Selain sebagai sumber nutrisi, jagung juga memiliki manfaat yang sangat banyak. Kualitas tanaman jagung harus diperh…
Spoiler is one of the important components in cars that affects aerodynamic phenomena in cars, functioning to increase downforce in cars to reduce the lifting force arising from high speeds. This s…
In automotive, one of the materials that are often used is Aluminum Alloy (AA) 6061, an alloy of the chemical elements Si (silicon) and Mg (magenesium) which have different strength characteristics…