BESTUURSKUNDE: Journal of Governmental Studies Volume 1 Issue 2 November 2021, This edition features 6 articles: Women and Kinship Politics in the 2020 Regional Head Elections in Central Java, S…
Latar belakang: Tingginya masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut anak di Indonesia dikarenakan banyak anak yang cemas untuk dirawat. Prevalensi kecemasan anak terhadap perawatan gigi mencapai 22%, anak y…
Petani merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam produksi kopi, tanpa petani kopi tidak akan ada di gelas yang akan diminum oleh para penikmat kopi, seperti yang dijelaskan diatas. Dengan semakin b…
This book presents the first comprehensive assessment of water resources in Pakistan including surface water resources and groundwater resources. It gives a detailed overview of issues and challeng…
This research aims to describe the taxonomy processes of deliberate practice and kanban on mental learning and transfer assignments of economics for IIS students at SMAN 10 Palembang. The instrumen…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sebuah aplikasi yang membantu pihak SD Negeri 130 Palembang dalam perihal absensi yang dimana alat pada sistem absensi sebelumnya sering terjadi kerusakan d…
The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred has damaged the Indonesian economy and even the world. This is a threat to companies in various sectors. Thus, this study aims to examine the role of financial r…
This thesis is titled "Representation of Social Critical in Song Lyrics (Semiotic Analysis in the Lyrics of the Song "Seperti Rahim Ibu" by Efek Rumah Kaca)" This research aims to find out the repr…
This book highlights selected papers from the Mechanical Engineering track, with a focus on mechatronics and manufacturing, presented at the “Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engine…
Clindamycin HCl in conventional topical formulation has a problem in its formulation. It has low bioavalilability, just around 5-8% from total concentration that can be absorbed. In addition, clind…
With the advancement of Information Technology, this can work with clients in learning media through an application on Android. This application depends on Android and fabricated utilizing the Andr…
Muhammad Arif Harahap.Performance Test of Plant Watering System Using Solar Panel with Lithium Battery 18650(Supervised by ENDO ARGO KUNCORO). This study aims to determine the performance of a plan…
Penggunaan bentuk variasi kampuh las yang sesuai memiliki kekuatan hasil sambungan las yang berbeda dan dipengaruhi oleh perubahan struktur akibat dari proses pengelasan. Agar sambungan antara dua …
Contract employees are workers who enter into a work agreement with the company within a certain period of time. Contract employees have a higher risk of experiencing work stress than permanent emp…
Desain suatu bangunan harus memperhitungkan pengaruh gempa. BSN telah memperbarui peraturan dari SNI 1726-2012 menjadi SNI 1726-2019. Rumah Sakit Dr. Ibnu Sutowo Baturaja yang perencanaannya menggu…
Poverty is a common problem in many areas in Indonesia, particularly in Java and Sumatra as the two islands with the largest economy in Indonesia. However, large population living below the poverty…
Skripsi ini berjudul Problematika Pelayanan Publik di Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Muara Enim. Adapun rumusan permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Bagaimana Penerapan Peratu…
This thesis is motivated by the planned activities of the Palembang City Housing and Settlement Service which have not been realized according to plan. The purpose of this study was to find out how…