“The fourth sector” consists of for-benefit organizations that combine market-based approaches of the private sector with the social and environmental aims of the public and non-profit sectors.…
In recent decades, the dissemination and the adoption of new public management (NPM) have been significant within the new public sector. One key innovation is the adoption of accrual accounting fro…
This book represents an applied, up-to-date work on RRI developments and their potential positive impact on societies. The societal challenges of the 21st century require the ability to integrate t…
Economic inequality is one of the problems that often occurs in Inonesian's complex and fundamental economy. so it is necessary to find a solution to overcome or at least reduce the thinks that can…
The objective of this research is to get empiric evidence about the implication of auditor opinion to stock return for manufacture company in Jakarta Stock Exchange. Research finding has shown that…
Questions and Answers On Death and Dying
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu inkubasi yang berbeda terhadap laju penyerapan kuning telur tambakan (Helostoma temminckii C.V), sehingga diketahui kapan waktu yang tepa…