Ramie fiber is a type of natural fiber that is expected to be used as an alternative material heat cured acrylic resin reinforcement. The purpose of this study w as to determine the effect of woven…
This study aims to determine the application of parenting styles for children aged 4-6 years in Besemah Serasan Village, Pagar Alam City. The method used by the researcher is descriptive quantitati…
Research on the quality of drinking water produced at the refill drinking water depot in Kalidoni district has been carried out with the aim of knowing the microbiological quality and sanitation hy…
Pemberian medikamen saluran akar bertujuan untuk mengeliminasi bakteh yang tidak dapat dihancurkan dengan proses instrumentasi dan irigasi. Enterococcus faecalis merupakan bakteri yang sering ditem…
This study aims to determine the effect of the pre-drying time of oyster mushroom and cooking time of oyster mushroom rendang on the physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of white oyster m…
The purpose of this research was appropriate gave the best results correlation of organic matter digestibility and crude protein content of blood flour absorbance of fermented rice bran and palm oi…
This study aims to determine the nutritional content of catfish (Macrones gulio). This research method was carried out experimentally in a laboratory whose results were analyzed descriptively with …
This study aims to develop an animated video learning media based on the Inshot application in class V theme 6 heat and its transfer at SD Negeri 17 Prabumulih along with knowing the validity and a…
This study aims to determine the effect of the angle of inclination of the blade and the number of blades on the thickness of sliced banana chips on a vertical type chip slicing machine. The method…
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan September sampai dengan bulan November 2006 di Laboratorium Program Studi Teknologi Hasil Perikanan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya, Laboratorium Pen…
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui layak atau tidaknya penggunaan minyak nyamplung sebagai bahan bakar pada proses pengeringan yang diaplikasikan pada pengeringan kunyit. Penelitian dilaksanakan…
This study aims to find out and analyze how turkey commercial efforts to increasetourism in the new normal era. Turkey is a country that has diverse natural beauty that makes Turkey one of the coun…
The notary issues a covernote because he has not yet completed his work in relation to his duties and authority to issue an unfinished authentic deed as part of the bank credit disbursement process…
This research was conducted to identify organic compounds in the precipitate fraction of the methanol extract tembesu fruit (Fragraea fragrans) by LCMS/MS analysis and antibacterial activity agains…
Jackfruit leaf extract (Artocarpus heterophylus Lam.) was used as an active substance in acne treatment. Secondary metabolites contained flavonoids, saponins and tannins which have antibacterial ac…
Cempedak (Artocarpus integer) leaves contain phenolic and flavonoid compounds that have the ability to stimulate specific and nonspecific immune responses. This study aims to determine the immunomo…
The Covid-19 pandemic has generally reduced the number of visits to maternal and child health services (KIA) at the public health center. One of the efforts to increase the coverage of the MCH prog…
This research was aimed to find out the efficiency of the performance of Maggot dryer machine to drying result. This research has been conducted from January 2021 to March 2021 at the Laboratory of…
important factor in a company is produce qualified employees to determine the development or progress of the company. Giving Employee Bonus at PT. Multi Data Palembang is still ineffective, calcula…