Sleep disonders in somcone on hemodialyais is one of the casses of decreased quality of life and riggers poor sleep quality for dferers. In line with the process of sieep disorders can affect the b…
DM sufferers must undergo many lifestyle changes such as adjusting diet, physical activity and having to control blood sugar regularly. Sudden life changes make DM sufferers experience psychologica…
Latar Belakang: Urtikaria kronis spontan merupakan penyakit kronis pada kulit berulang yang terjadi selama lebih dari 6 minggu dengan penyebab yang tidak teridentifikasi. Urtikaria kronis spontan d…
Background: Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition where the pelvic organs descend from their original position and protrude into the vagina. This condition causes several complaints in the patients …
Background: Plantar fasciitis (PF) is a disease characterized by pain in the medial heel due to repeated stress on the fascia. This disease is quite common and it is estimated that up to 15% of adu…
Background: Oxygen therapy (O2) is a medical step that involves the administration of oxygen (O2) as an effort to prevent or correct oxygen deficiency in tissues and ensure adequate oxygenation lev…
Introduction : Seizures are one of the most common neurological disorders in children, the most common etiologies of seizures in children include epilepsy, intracranial infections, febrile seizures…
Introduction: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (KNF) is a malignant tumor of the epithelium that affects the part of the throat connecting the back of the nose to the back of the mouth (pharynx). Chemother…
Background: Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) is known as a disruption in blood flow to the heart caused by coronary artery blockage due to the rupture of blood vessels and plaque resulting in myoc…
Background. Workplace bullying is a common problem in many countries. Workplace bullying is hostile and unethical communication that occurs at least once a week for at least 6 months. This form of …
Microalgae Chlorella sp. contains phenolic secondary metabolites and carotenoids which have antioxidant activity. Previous studies reported that many of the chemical components of Chlorella such as…
Azitromisin adalah antibiotik golongan makrolida yang termasuk ke dalam BCS (Biopharmaceutical Classification System) kelas II, yang memiliki kelarutan buruk, bioavailabilitas oral yang buruk, dan …
The phenomenon of bullying behaviour that occurs in adolescents is increasingly concerning, in 2022, more than half of children aged 2-17 years have experienced physical, sexual and emotional viole…
Patients with hypertension often have symptoms of pain in the head to neck area. Headache in elderly people with hypertension is caused by an increase in high blood pressure, where this can occur d…
Background: The incidence of low birth weight babies in Indonesia in 2020 reached 35.2% out of 72.0% of total births. Meanwhile, the incidence of low birth weight babies at Dr. Mohammad Hoesin duri…
Background : Complications that arise after performing CS on the mother include pain in the incision area. Post-surgical pain will cause physical and psychological reactions, so there needs to be a…
Background: The main effect of sectio caesarea surgery can cause pain in the incision area caused by tissue continuity break. Pain that lasts continuously if left without proper treatment can cause…
Angka kejadian hipertensi di dunia sangat besar. Rata-rata lebih dari 22% atau 1,28 milyar orang disetiap negara mengalami hipertensi. Sementara di Indonesia angkanya diperkirakan 34,1%, atau 63 ju…
Cervical cancer is the mucosa that is on the surface of the cervix and then grows locally and will spread to the uterus, then paracervical tissue and pelvic organs. Cervical cancer can be treated i…
Background: Sectio caesarea is a surgery that aim to delivering a fetus through an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus. Sectio caesarea can cause complex problem, both psychologically, physic…