Aluminum is a non-ferrous metal that is light, strong and resistant to air and water corrosion. Due to the dangerous impact of using aluminum material on the environment, the waste produced by alum…
In common brass metal the zinc content is 15-37%, brass is commonly used as a substitute for copper as pipe fittings, nuts, musical instruments and shell bullets, connecting rods for pistons and sh…
Tanaman kelapa sawit merupakan tanaman yang memiliki peranan yang sangat penting bagi pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia. Kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) adalah jenis tanaman yang berakar se…
Tides are a phenomenon of the periodic rise and fall of sea level caused by a combination of gravitational forces and the gravitational pull of astronomical objects. Tidal land is land where the av…
The prospect of farming in Damar Wulan Village has considerable potential if managed properly. Food crop groups and plantations such as rubber and oil palm are the most dominant commodities cultiva…
Acid sulphate soils contain sulfidic materials (pyrite). Changes from anaerobic to aerobic conditions will cause pyrite oxidation, releasing sulfuric acid, resulting in oxidation of iron, and lower…
This paper presents an experimental study of forced convection heat transfer of water flow in a pipe with semi-circular grooves oriented towards the inside of the pipe. Heat is supplied through a h…
Hydroxyapatite is a derivative of calcium phosphate and is not a small part of it is also used for coating on bones because it is very good biocompatible. Copper was chosen as undoubtedly because i…
Sulphate soils contain layers of pyrite (FeS2) and if pyrite is oxidized it can lower soil pH. Pyrite oxidized soil has a characteristic rust or reddish yellow color. The pyrite oxidation rate can …
This study aims to determine the response of several BC2F2 accessions from the crossing of Inpago 5 with Inpara 8 rice varieties to drought stress in the generative phase. This research was carried…
One of the extreme phenomena that occur in Indonesia is drought. Indonesia experiences extreme drought three to four times a year. South Sumatra Province, especially Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) Regenc…
Penginderaan jauh merupakan suatu teknik yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk pengamatan parameter oseanografi perairan seperti suhu permukaan laut baik secara spasial maupun temporal. Penelitian ini ber…
Konveksi merupakan proses perpindahan energi kerja gabungan antara konduksi panas, penyimpanan energi, dan gerakan mencampur. Konveksi yang disebabkan oleh suatu alat dari luar seperti pompa sebaga…
Peningkatan penggunaan plastik berdampak pada jumlah sampah plastik yang semakin banyak. Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan menyampaikan jumlah sampah yang tertimbun di Indonesia mencapai 17…
Plastic is something that cannot be separated from humans because the existence of plastic is very young to be found in everyday life. The existence of plastic waste is always increasing. An altern…
Based on data Preventif Maintenance at PLTU Bukit Asam from 2013 to 2021, induced draft fan has the most interference compared to other machines because there is no real-time measurement in induce …
ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the tidal pattern in the waters of Pari Island and its possible impact on the distribution of salinity and temperature of seawater. The background for this res…
Alginate merupakan bahan cetak hidrokoloid yang digunakan untuk mencetak model rahang gigi. Pencetakan model rahang dilakukan pada saat masih dalam keadaan sol dengan mencampurkan bubuk alginate de…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas modul elektronik berbasis multirepresentasi pada materi suhu dan kalor yang digunakan pada pembelajaran fisika di SMA Negeri 15 Palembang terha…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatahui temperatur dari pelat pendingin terhadap laju aliran massa dan jumlah saluran pada bagian dalam pelat pendingin. Jenis penelitian ini ialah kuantitatif kom…
Mesin bubut merupakan salah satu komponen utama pada reboiler unit DHP E- 460. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis distribusi temperatur, temperatur maksimal yang te…
Pack carburizing is the process of adding carbon elements to the surface of steel using solid media or wood charcoal. This research is using experimental method. The main purpose of this study was …
In this study, an internet of things-based temperature and humidity monitoring system was designed using the WeMos D1 R1 microcontroller as a data transmission device connected via a Wi-Fi network …
In this study, the addition of SiO2 additives to SiC ceramics was carried out to reduce the sintering temperature by producing optimal ceramics. The addition of SiO2 was given as much as 0, 0.5, 1 …
Pada penelitian dilakukan perancangan alat sistem transmisi data pengukuran dari modul Long-Range (LoRa) Transmitter ke web. Perangkat yang digunakan dalam transmisi data pengukuran ke web berupa m…
La-Niña adalah suatu kondisi dimana terjadi penurunan suhu muka laut atau SST (Sea Surface Temperature) di kawasan Timur equator di Lautan Pasifik dari rata-ratanya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk men…
Penelitian tentang “Respons Embriogenesis Mikrospora Padi Siam dengan Perlakuan Suhu Panas (33°C) dan Starvasi pada Lama Waktu Inkubasi yang Berbeda” ini dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2010…
Research has been carried out on the manufacture of hydroxyapatite ceramics by the cold sintering method. In the manufacture of hydroxyapatite ceramics by cold sintering method using low-temperatur…