Hemodialysis is an effective therapy for chronic kidney disease that removes fluids, electrolytes, and metabolic waste, relieving symptoms and improving the quality of life of end-stage patients. H…
Background: Excessive adiposity as one of the risk factors for increased blood pressure has become a major health issue worldwide. Several indices describing adiposity have been developed as predic…
Introduction. Metabolic Syndrome is defined as a collection of 5 non-communicable diseases, namely hypertension, central obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertriglyceridemia, and low HDL. Epidemiologic…
Background: Hypertensive heart disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality globally that tends to increase with age. The high prevalence of uncontrolled blood pressure leads to an increase …
Background: Hajj is one of the obligatory rituals for financially and physically capable Muslims. Hypertension is the second most prevalent disease among Indonesian Hajj pilgrims and can pose healt…
COVID-19 merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Penyakit ini akan menginfeksi saluran respirasi dan menimbulkan gejala ringan,…
High blood pressure usually occurs in adults and the elderly, but currently hypertension can occur in adolescence. Lack of knowledge among teenagers about preventing hypertension can influence teen…
Hypertension is a non-communicable disease that causes the highest mortality. Hypertension cases in KayuAgung Subdistrict in 2021 were 15,678 cases and Kutaraya Health Center dominated the cases wi…
Pesticides are widely used as chemicals that help farmers increase agricultural productivity. Pesticide use that creates an imbalance with the proper pesticide application will impact farmers’ he…
Hypertension is one of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) that is often dubbed "silent killer". One of the risk factors of hypertension is smoking. This study aimed to analyze the determinants of hyp…
Jobs with shift work have a higher risk of experiencing health problems compared to nonshift work, one of the health problems that can occur is hypertension. Risk factors that can increase the occu…
Hypertension is often referred to as The Silent Disease because it is often asymptomatic, so people with hypertension do not know that they have hypertension. Hypertension mostly occurs in people w…
Background: Diabetic nephropathy occurs in almost 60% of people with diabetes who have hypertension in Asia, the number of patient with diabetic nephropathy in Asia is higher than people. In South …
Hypertension is one of the most common diseases suffered by the community. The relationship between obesity, smoking, coffee consumption, stress and sleep quality on the incidence of hypertension i…
The administration of the COVID-19 vaccine is held in order to stop the virus's spreading, which is happening more frequently. Patients with comorbidities, such as hypertension with managed blood p…
Tujuan. Membandingkan efek premedikasi klonidin 2 pg/kgbb dengan klonidin 4 pg/kgbb secara oral dalam mencegah respon kenaikan tekanan darah dan laju nadi akibat laringoskopi intubasi Metodelogi. P…
ABSTRACT Hypertension is a non-communicable disease and is very serious health problem. It is often referred to as the silent killer. It is a deadly disease without indication of symptoms and compl…
Pada lansia akan mengalami kemunduran fisik, mental, dan sosial. Salah satu contoh kemunduran fisik pada lansia adalah rentannya lansia terhadap penyakit, khususnya penyakit degeneratif. Penyakit d…
Hipertensi pada umumnya tidak memiliki tanda atau gejala yang khas, sehingga sering kali penderita hipertensi tidak menyadari adanya masalah kesehatan atau peningkatan tekanan darah sampai terjadi …
WORK HEALTH SAFETY (K3) FACULTY OF PUBLIC HEALTH SRIWIJAYA UNIVERSITY Undergraduate Thesis, Oktober 25 th, 2021 Suci Wulandari The Relation of Noise Intensity toward the Increase of Blood Pressure …
Glaucoma is a group of chronic irreversible reformist optic neuropathy characterized by optic nerve damage followed by visual field disturbances and can cause blindness. Glaucoma is a disease with …
Back ground. Preeclampsia is a condition where the blood tension is above 140/90 mmHg for the first time after 20 weeks of gestation. There are two sub-types of preeclampsia based on onset disease …