Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk kesalahan penggunaan huruf kapital pada surat undangan yang ditulis oleh peserta didik kelas V SD Negeri 02 Indralaya Utara Tahun Ajaran 2022/2…
This study aims to identify and describe the use of capital letters in invitation letters written by fifth grade students of SDN 6 Banyuasin III Academic Year 2022/2023. This research is descriptiv…
ABSTRACT Analysis of the use of capital letters and punctuation of students in filling out the registration form to continue school to the next level in class VI of SD Negeri 001 Palembang. learner…
This study aims to find out students in using capital letters and punctuation marks in the narrative essays of grade IV students of SDN 62 Palembang. The research was conducted in the even semester…