Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) is an external corrosion that occurs beneath the insulation layer due to water penetration. CUI becomes a primary concern for equipment insulated for more than 5 ye…
Sign language is one of the communication media that can be used by deaf people, however the use of sign language is not only be utilized by the one who disabled on it, but also can be learned and …
Harga getah karet merupakan harga komoditas hasil pertanian yang memiliki inflasi secara signifikan dari permintaan dan produksi yang tidak menentu di setiap saat, oleh sebab itu harga getah karet …
Indonesia ranks second in contributing the largest amount of plastic waste to the global oceans, producing approximately 64 million tons of plastic waste annually, with around 3.2 million tons reac…
Tourism is an attractive sector for foreign tourists to visit or vacation in a country. A high number of foreign tourist visits indicates that the country has a strong attraction in terms of touris…
This research aims to develop a Chatbot Intent Classification and Entity Classification on the RASA Framework using the Softmax and Conditional Random Field methods. In the process of creating a ch…
Malware sangat berbahaya karna dapat merugikan banyak orang, salah satu malware yang sangat berbahaya ini adalah Malware Trojan Banking yang dirancang untuk mencuri uang langsung dari rekening bank…
This final project focuses on detecting smurf attacks to be categorized as normal data or attacks. The smurf attack data packet is an ICMP packet, so in this study the focus is on the ICMP protocol…
Pengembangan diagnosis medis berdasarkan pembelajaran mesin dalam hal prediksi penyakit memberikan diagnosis yang lebih akurat dibandingkan dengan cara tradisional. Dalam hal memprediksi penyakit d…
Pagar Alam City is located at the foot of Mount Dempo, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Because its location in the mountainous area, it makes the atmosphere in the city was very cool and stores …
Sahabat Mandiri Clinic has a goal, namely to improve the quality of health services for the general public. However, the current problem is that the current drug layout arrangement is not grouped b…
Population prediction is carried out in an effort to determine the population in the future. Because the population in the future is not easy to know with certainty, this research predicts the popu…
This study aims to understand the learning principles of PPKn students who have high GPAs at FKIP of Sriwijaya University. The method of this study used descriptive qualitative approach. The popula…
The research objective was to determine the relationship between perceived organizational support (POS) and job involvement in contract nurses RSU X. The hypothesis of this study is that there is a…
K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) merupakan metode klasifikasi yang banyak digunakan dan cukup efektif dalam melakukan klasifikasi. Dalam klasifikasi KNN, penentuan nilai k yang kurang tepat dapat menurunka…
Latar Belakang: Mahasiswa merupakan salah satu kelompok masyarakat yang rentan untuk mengalami stress. Salah satu dampak negatif stress yaitu perilaku makan berlebih untuk meredakan emosi negatif. …
Setiap orang menginginkan sesuatu. Meskipun kita telah diperingatkan untuk melawan sifat manusiawi ini oleh tokoh-tokoh besar, tapi manusia tidak berhenti untuk menginginkan sesuatu. Pertanyaannya,…
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui apakah metode pengakuan dan pengukuran pendapatan menurut PSAK No. 23 sudah diterapkan oleh PT Graha Informatika Nusantara.Pada PT.Graha Info…