This book explores the influence of geographical isolation and peripherality on the functioning of music industries and scenes which operate within and from such locales. As is explored, these site…
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengn tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan peserta didik dalam pembelajaran gerak dasar lari pada anak kelas IV. Jenis penelitian ini yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualit…
This book is a collection of leading international authors in the field of music education taking the concept of 'craft' as a starting point to deconstruct and reconstruct their understanding of th…
This book explores the narratives of a group of four-year-old children in a composition project in an Australian early learning centre. The participants, centre staff and a composer, Stephen Leek, …
This book presents a novel method of grafting musical wind instruments by exchanging an instrument’s standard mouthpiece with different tone generators. Using the concrete example of the soprano …
Popular music plays a substantial role in most people’s life. The demand and financial revenue of Rock and Pop concerts is large and still increasing with the decreased revenue on recorded music.…
Indisputably, the acoustics of halls for music are more diversethan those of violins. as this book will explain in depth, halls for music encompass a broader range of different types with very diff…