One aspect that supports teenagers' success in interacting is self-control. It is very important to implement self-control for every student at school, especially students who are currently studyin…
This research was conducted to determine the level of Self-Control and Fear of Missing Out in Guidance and Counseling students at Sriwijaya University and the correlation or relationship between th…
Autonomous vehicle is a technology that uses a self-driving system. Self-driving is a type of autonomous car control that functions to make it easier for humans to drive automatically without drive…
Pada zaman dimana teknologi terus berkembang, penggunaan robot, terutama robot lengan, Robot lengan merupakan robot yang memiliki fungsi umum memindahkan barang dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain…
Ultrasonography (USG) is a medical method that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce dynamic visual images in the health sector, especially in prenatal cases. Although ultrasound imaging is a …
In today's digital information age, the abundance of news available on the internet creates the need for an automated system that can classify news very accurately based on its category. This resea…
Abstract Smart Room that is smartly designed to make it easier for its users to carry out activities. An example of using Smart Room on electronic devices, namely lights, the lights in the room of…
This study discusses the electrical treeing phenomenon that occurs in epoxy resin insulation material by formic acid (CH2O2) with variations conditioning time ranging 12; 24; and 48 hours. Epoxy re…
Indonesia with thousands of islands has weaknesses in the infrastructure sector, hundreds of small islands do not have the resources to build roads. Rubber tires that are often used for vehicles ha…
In the industrial sector, moving goods in warehouses requires a lot of operational cost. One effort to reduce operational cost is by using swarm robots. In completing tasks, the performance of swar…
This study aims to determine the level of self-control in adolescents in using the TikTok application in Timbangan Village. This type of research is descriptive analysis using a quantitative approa…
AGV is a directed vehicle that can operate automatically without the need for human assistance. However, several studies to date have still experienced errors in various ways, resulting in less eff…
AGV merupakan mobil robot otomatis yang dapat bergerak sesuai jalur yang telah ditentukan sesuai arahan. Akan tetapi, beberapa penelitian sampai saat ini masih belum mendapati hasil yang efektif da…
This paper presents a performance study of Unit 1 PLTU Banjarsari 135 MW under real operating conditions using exergy and exergoeconomic analysis methods. The main objective of this study is to det…
Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang rawan terjadi bencana alam karena Indonesia berada pada jalur pertemuan tiga lempeng tektonik, yaitu: lempeng Indo-Australia, lempeng Eurasia, dan lempeng …
The aim of this research is to design and implement a 3-DOF robot arm for automatic plant watering based on Arduino UNO, to determine the success rate of the robot watering, and the time required f…
Indonesia is located in the Pacific ring of fire, which is the meeting zone of the world's three tectonic plates. The presence of these three plates makes Indonesia vulnerable to natural disasters …
Bejana tekan adalah peralatan dalam bidang industri untuk menampung fluida bertekanan, seperti gas, minyak dan bahan kimia, Baja ASTM A36 salah satu jenis material yang dapat digunakan pada bejana …
ASSAB 709M steel is a low alloy steel used for machining purposes and also for tool steel. ASSAB 709M steel before being marketed has gone through a harden process to meet marketing standards, so i…
Advancements in robotics technology have greatly influenced medical progress, with robots in the medical field aiding patient transport during the triage process. Triage used in Emergency Departmen…
Partial discharge (PD) activity measurements have been carried out by selecting noise signals (de-noising) using Support Vector Machine (SVM)and then recognized using Convolutional Neural Network (…
Lecturer performance assessment is an activity to monitor and evaluate the quality and performance of lecturers in terms of knowing the quality possessed by lecturers in implementing the three pill…
Kejang epilepsi merupakan salah satu gangguan sistem saraf pusat otak yang memiliki banyak gejala, seperti kehilangan kesadaran, perilaku yang tidak biasa dan kebingungan. Dalam banyak kasus, gejal…
Gembira Photo is a photography studio and print business with over 15 years of experience in providing photo printing and photo shoot services. The business owner is keen on opening a new branch ou…
The province of Bangka Belitung Islands accounts for around 40% of national pepper output. Since 2018, the price of white pepper in Pangkalpinang City has fluctuated, causing white pepper farmers t…
Perusahaan PT Pertamina menerapkan sistem pembayaran non-tunai dengan membuat aplikasi MyPertamina sebagai upaya agar pelayanan BBM subsidi dapat lebih tepat sasaran kepada yang berhak menerimanya.…
Software house is a company that sells services for creating or developing applications, the quality of a programmer is an important factor in the success of an application project. In the programm…
Games / Games are actions / activities alone or with friends. Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) is one of the most popular and successful game genres today, one example of a successful MOBA ga…