Academic procrastination in students is an individual's tendency to procrastinate work or completing assignments in the field of education which is done repeatedly so that it becomes a habit. Stude…
The development of social media is currently increasingly sophisticated, TikTok is a platform that is widely used by all groups, especially students. However, this media turns out to have a…
The industrial era 4.0 makes student career planning important because it can help prepare and develop aspirations according to their talents and abilities so they are ready to face the world of wo…
ABSTRAK Anak remaja seringkali mengalami banyak permasalahan terkhusus juga anak remaja yang berhadapan dengan hukum mereka cendrung mengalami permasalahan diri maupun sosial diantaranya permasalah…
Self-efficacy affects one's effort, persistence, resilience, selection of tasks and student achievement. Group counseling can be used to help prevent and alleviate problems and assist students in i…
Setiap siswa seharusnya memiliki kemampuan resiliensi akademik yang tinggi dalam kehidupannya. Faktanya bahwa di SMA Srijaya Negara Palembang masih ditemukan siswa yang memiliki resiliensi akademik…
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) Mengukur kineija pendampingan dalam program tabung tani balai usaha mandiri terpadu transmigrasi (T2-BMT Trans) di lokasi KTM Sungai Rambutan Kabupaten O…
ABSTRAK Keterampilan berkomunikasi memiliki peran yang penting dalam interaksi sosial untuk menghindari berbagai permasalahan dalam kehidupan. Dalam masa perkembangannya siswa diharapkan mampu bers…
search aims to determine the effect of training on the use of citronella waste in growing a home industry among farmer groups in Benakat Oil Village, Pali Regency. This type of research is Quasi Ex…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran perempuan pada Keluarga batak Toba dan hambatan yang dialami oleh perempuan yang menjalankan peran ganda sebagai ibu rumah tangga dan petani perempua…
Research entitled “Empowering the UEP Maju Berjaya in increaring income through a productive economic business program (UEP) in Pandan Sari Village Tungkal Jaya District Musi Banyuasin Regercy. A…
This study aims to describe the role of women members of GAPOKTAN (Farmers Group Association) in Pulau Semambu Village. North Indralaya District, Ogan Ilir Regency. This research is a type of quali…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tipologi komunikasi pada perempuan sebagai anggota kelompok budaya pendamping dengan masyarakat adat sebagai objek kajiannya. Metode yang digunakan adala…
Farmer group empowerment is a series of activities carried out to improve farmers' knowledge and skills through training and counseling in order to realize independent and competitive farmers. The …
This study aims to determine and describe the tolerance index of Catholic youth at the Santa Maria Lahat Catholic Church. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative analysis which…
This research will discuss how to implement brand journalism strategy in a state-owned company, PT Pertamina RU III Plaju. The company is the oldest oil refinery industry in Indonesia. Its role for…
Terdapat 4 putusan berbeda terhadap pemberhentian terhadap aparatur sipil negara yang melakukan tindak pidana korupsi, yakni putusan nomor 55/G/2018/PTUN-PLG, 74/B/2019/PT.TUN-MDN, 436K/TUN/2019, d…
Son is the candidate leader and successor to the noble aspirations of the Indonesian nation. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the likelihood of children becoming child labourers around the world…
The focus of this research is on Behavioral Analysis in Adolescents Who Like to Play Online Games in Talang Kelapa Village, Palembang City. The problem in this study is about how adolescents who li…
Keputusan yang lebih baik seringkali dihasilkan melalui komunikasi yang inklusif antar anggota dalam suatu kelompok. Meskipun terdapat bukti yang mendukung bahwa tim lintas fungsi memudahkan pengam…
This research discusses what factors make pedicab drivers survive and what kind of survival strategies are used by pedicab drivers in the midst of motorised pedicabs in 3-4 ulu urban village in Pal…
This study examines the representation of the Chinese minority in the Ngenest movie. The purpose of this study seeks to discuss the description of construction, representation systems, and the proc…
Socio-economic change is a process of change that occurs in society that involves social and economic aspects. This thesis analyzes the socio-economic changes in Zone H canteen traders during the o…
This research is entitled "The Relationship between Social and Economic Status of Families with Stunting Incidents in Ilir Barat I District, Palembang City". This study aims to understand the socia…