CV. 8 Bersaudara Belitang Mulya adalah sebuah entitas perdagangan yang fokus dibidang penjualan produk pertanian khususnya hasil panen padi atau beras. Dalam kegiatan aktivitasnya masih ditemukan b…
Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas di seluruh bidang dengan mengoptimalkan penggunaan teknologi. Inspektorat Provinsi Sumatera Selatan merupakan …
The Unsri Fasilkom reading room experienced a server failure which caused the website to no longer be accessed so the process of borrowing books and the process of returning books is currently stil…
Agriculture in Indonesia is one of the fields that is a resource and is so important in people's lives. However, there are many aspects that need to be considered in managing agriculture in order t…
CV. Maju Makmur is a trading entity that focuses on selling agricultural products, especially rice or rice harvests. In its activities, there are still many obstacles, namely, the transaction proce…
The library of SDN 1 Sukaramah, Mesuji Makmur District, Ogan Komering Ilir District has a large number of books. Then a problem arises, if the user does a manual search on each bookshelf, it takes …
Pernikahan merupakan hubungan antara perempuan dan laki – laki yang paling sakral dan mulia. Sehingga setiap pasangan akan melakukan persiapan yang total untuk menghadapi pernikahan. Maka dari it…
Website yang dimiliki di beberapa universitas memiliki fungsi sebagai repositori untuk menampung tugas akhir mahasiswa. web yang menggunakan ontology web language diharapkan menjadi solusi dalam pr…
Sekarang semakin banyak munculnya website baru, maka tingkat traffic Cybercrime akan semakin meningkat juga. Cybercrime adalah tindak kejahatan yang dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi komputer…
This final project was carried out with the aim of creating an OQODA Laundry website application. In the laundry the recording process transactions made still not yet good. Based on problem require… is a media that refers to policy advocacy and platforms that relate to the community in certain matters relating to the community in adjusting public policies that are considered inappro…
This final project was carried out with the aim of designing an inventory collection application at the Prabumulih City Public Library. Prabumulih City Public Library is one of the libraries that s…
Travel Agency 2002 includes an example of an individual company and one of the public transportation businesses that assist people in traveling for purposes that are still fairly manual using the b…
This final project was carried out to make a book lending management application at the public library in Prabumulih City. At the public library in Prabumulih City, the process of borrowing books i…
ngka Kematian Bayi (AKB) dan Angka Kematian Balita (AKABA) masih cukup tinggi di Indonesia (Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 Tentang Rencana Strategis Kementerian …
Vixxel Auto is a used car sales company, the system that is running on Vixxel Auto for warehouse data storage and report details still being done manually using sales books and don't have any appli…
BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is an institution that aims to realize the implementation of the provision of guarantees of the fulfillment of basic needs that are feasible for each participant and / or famil…
Beasiswa adalah pemberian berupa bantuan keuangan yang diberikan kepada perorangan yang bertujuan untuk digunakan demi keberlangsungan pendidikan yang ditempuh. Pemberian beasiswa dilakukan untuk m…
The Cahaya Rizki Building Depot is engaged in the material business located on Jalan Dr.M. Isa, Kuto Batu, East Ilir District. II, Palembang City, South Sumatra. Where there is a process of selling…
Toko Rindu merupakan toko yang bergerak di bidang kuliner. Pada toko tersebut transaksi pembayaran masih sangat sederhana, dengan digunakannya sebuah kalkulator untuk menghitung total pembelian, pe…
Az_Scraf adalah salah satu usaha yang bergerak didunia fashion yaitu sebuah busana berupa jilbab yang banyak diminat oleh perempuan yang beragama islam. Perkembangan jilbab saat ini juga berkembang…
Lintas Kurir Indonesia merupakan layanan kurir antar kota yang menerapkan sistem JASTIP atau Jasa Titip dalam bisnis modelnya, adapun lokasi oprasional layanan ini berada di Kecamatan Alang Alang L…
Information technology and management have now begun to be used in the field of education, one of which can be seen by the existence of schools that apply computer technology to carry out data proc…
This research at SMA Negeri 7 Palembang aims to create a website-based school library information system in order to improve the efficiency of data management related to library operational activit…
PT. Najwa Berkah Abadi merupakan suatu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Pertanian. Sistem yang sedang berjalan di PT. Najwa Berkah Abadi ini terdapat beberapa kekurangan seperti ketidakcocokan da…
The more rapid the development of information technology in web applications, the interference, or the actions of attackers (hackers) are increasing as well. We can see this in print or electronic …
From the results of previous observations, several shortcomings were found, namely the inventory management system is still done manually by recording incoming and outgoing goods in a notebook, so …
Suwandi's store lacks in implementing a special strategy for the creation of an online sales information system. Products by kemplang krupuk that are sold at krupuk suwandi stores only do brochures…
Currently, the ordering process that takes place at is still using a simple method, namely by way of customers coming directly to the outlet to just browse the product lis…