Providing vitamin A capsules to children under five years of age can improve immunity and reduce the risk of deaths among children under five years of age due to vitamin A deficiency. The aim of th…
NUTRITION FACULTY OF PUBLIC HEALTH SRIWIJAYA UNIVERSITY Thesis, June 2022 Mey Zahara Khairunissa ; Supervised by Yuliarti, S.KM., M.Gizi Factors Affecting the Compliance of Young Women Consuming Bl…
Background: Vitamin A is one of the important nutrients that contributes to the body. Diarrhea in patients with a deficiency of vitamin A can cause damage to the intestinal mucosa absorption disord…
Coronavirus Disease 19 atau COVID-19 disebut sebagai wabah oleh World Health Organization (WHO) berupa infeksi penyakit yang menular dan perlu mendapat perhatian khusus dalam mengambil langkah-lang…
Elderly are vulnerable to various health problems, one of which is constipation. Constipation is the frequency of defecation less than 2 times a week with symptoms such as clumped and hard stool du…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perkembangan diameter telur ikan betok yang diberi pakan diperkaya vitamin E dengan dosis berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak lengkap (R…