This sludy was aimed at flnding out the influence of foreign debt and interest rates of Bank Indonesia on the economic growth of Indonesia. The data used in this study were the secondary data, name…
This research is aimed at identifying the influence of interest rates and inflation on the third party total funds in the banks. The secondary data are taken ffom quarterly reports of 2004 to 2012.…
This study analyzed the factors that influenced deposit rates in two small economies with perfect mobility. Variables of macro economy selected to be the one that could influence deposit rates ar i…
Stock market is one of economic instrument that develops rapidly. One indicator to measure a stock market is index of stocks. This research was made to analyze the influence of interest rates and i…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar risiko pasar (beta), leverage (debt to equity ratio) dan likuiditas (current ratio) dapat meramalkan besarnya tingkat pengembalian saham. Da…
Interest rate risks is one of the risk faced by bondholers. Based on theory, there is close relationship between interest rate and bond price. This risk is mostly faced by bondholder who invest in …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat suku bunga SBI, nilai tukar Rp/USD dan inflasi terhadap indeks harga saham gabungan (IHSG) di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Data ya…
Penelitian bertujuan untuk membangun model peramalan tingkat suku bunga Bank Indonesia (BI) menggunakan Analisis Fungsi Transfer. Tingkat suku bunga BI merupakan instrumen pemerintah untuk mengatur…
ujuan penelitian adalah untuk membangun model peramalan tingkat suku bunga Sertifikat Bank Indonesia berdasarkan faktor pengaruh tingkat suku bunga penjaminan, tingkat inflasi, kredit usaha rakya…
Penelitian bertujuan untuk meramalkan tingkat suku bunga BI dengan metode ANFIS berdasarkan faktor tingkat suku bunga penjaminan, tingkat inflasi, posisi UMKM, dan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dol…