Enggano Island has a coral reef ecosystem as a potential biological resource to support fisheries resources so it needs to be monitored using remote sensing technology. In this case, the Sentinel-2…
Rizky Ikhsan Syafaat. 08051381823077. Analisis Tutupan Terumbu Karang Hidup Pada Ekosistem Terumbu Karang Di Perairan Pantai Sebalang Kabupaten Lampung Selatan (Pembimbing : Dr. Muhammad Hendri, ST…
The Acroporidae family is a genus of hard corals (Scleractinia) which is a common species found in Indonesia.Coral transplantation is one of the solutions to reduce the decline in the percentage of…
Acropora is one type of coral that is often found in the waters. Foliose which generally dominates in shallow waters is the type with growth that forms sheets, which are able to absorb more solar i…
Coral reef reaserch about cover condition of hard coral and soft coral in Pramuka Island Adminisratif Regency Seribu IslandDKI Jakarta w as conducted on november 2011. The purpose of this reasearch…
The community structure of coral reefs research was conducted on August 2008 at territorial water Sempit Island, Semak Daun Island, and Gosong Layar Island Archipelago of Seribu, DKI Jakarta Provin…
The research on the association of non-coral macrozoobenthos to the coral reef was conducted in September in the Nias Island waters, Nias Regency, North Sumatra Province. The aim of this research w…
Pulau Pramuka terletak dalam zona pemukiman yang menjadi pusat pemerintahan, pemukiman dan wisata. Banyaknya aktifitas yang terjadi di Pulau Pramuka dapat memberikan tekanan bahkan ancaman kerusaka…
Terumbu karang adalah ekosistem dengan keanekaragaman jenis sangat tinggi, yang berfungsi sebagai tempat tinggal dan tumbuh bagi biota-biota lainnya. Ikan Indikator merupakan kelompok ikan yang d…