Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that can attack the immune system and make the body susceptible to various diseases. Opportunistic infections can arise during the natural course of di…
The occurrence of HIV/AIDS among adolescents is a serious issue that must be addressed to prevent its continuous spread. Various adolescent behaviors that are at risk of HIV/AIDS are referred to as…
Female sex workers are one of the high-risk populations in many sexual partners. From a health perspective, sex workers are considered as a source of media for the spread of infectious diseases inc…
Background. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is one of the risk factors for the development of TB cases. Co-infection with TB and HIV is a serious problem with high rates of cases globa…
ABSTRAK Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual di masyarakat memerlukan perhatian khusus dalam pemberantasan dan juga proses penegakan hukumnya. Kekerasan seksual adalah setiap tindakam atau perbuatan yan…
Skripsi ini berjudul “PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA BAGI PELAKU EKSPLOITASI SEKSUAL ANAK DI KEPOLISIAN SEKTOR PANJANG BANDAR LAMPUNG’’. Adapun rumusan masalah yang diangkat penulis, yakni : (1) Baga…
Lack of adolescents’ knowledge about reproductive health causes adolescents to neglect the prevention and early detection of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in I…
Pemaksaan hubungan seksual pada dasarnya tidak sesuai dengan hukum, sudah banyak aturan dirancang untuk memberantas perilaku buruk terhadap perempuan. UU No. 23 Tahun 2004 tentang Penghapusan Keker…
ABSTRACT Risky sexual behavior is one of the transmissions of HIV/AIDS infection to the high�risk male population, who are generally men who have the potential to become customers of sex workers,…
Skripsi ini berjudul Peran UPTD PPA Kota Palembang Dalam Memberikan Layanan Mediasi Terhadap Perempuan Sebagai Korban Cyber Sexual Harassment Pada Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual. Penelitian ini di…
ABSTRACT Sexual violence is a problem that needs special attention, especially the cases involving children with disabilities as victims. The cases against children with disabilities are often stop…
Peristiwa Pidana tidak sepenuhnya dilihat, didengar atau dialami oleh orang dewasa, namun ada kalanya anak turut pula menjadi saksi dalam persidangan. Keterangan yang disampaikan oleh anak dalam pe…
Fertilitas remaja menjadi isu penting baik dari segi kesehatan maupun sosial karena dapat mempengaruhi tingkat morbiditas dan mortalitas ibu dan anak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis fert…
Men who have sex with men (MSM) are defined as the key population, a high-risk group for HIV transmission. HIV cases among MSM in Indonesia have been recorded at 17.9%. This study aimed to examine …
Populasi kunci seperti LSL (Lelaki Seks Lelaki), PSP (Pekerja Seks Perempuan), Penasun (Pengguna Napza Suntik), dan Transgender (Wanita Pria) merupakan salah satu faktor yang berpotensi mempengaruh…
Background: Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the invasion of gram-negative diplococcus bacteria, Neisseria gonorrhoea. In Indonesia, Ihe incidence of gonorrhea is higher than o…
Verbal sexual harassment (catcalling) is a form of sexual harassment in a public space in the form of whistling, flirting by saying sexual words, or commenting on a woman's body shape that she does…
Tindak pidana terhadap kesusilaan merupakan tindak pidana yang diatur di dalam Buku ke II KUHP. Salah satu bentuk tindak pidana kesusilaan yaitu mengenai tindak pidana pelecehan di muka umum yang d…
This study aims to explain how the Transnational Advocacy Network strategy in the #MeToo movement against sexual violence and harassment in South Korea. The #MeToo movement, which started in the Un…