This open access handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the growing field of positive education, featuring a broad range of theoretical, applied, and practice-focused chapters from leading i…
This open access book discusses challenges in school improvement research and different methodological approaches that have the potential to foster school improvement research. Research on school i…
This book discusses a range of interventions that can be implemented in schools to prevent radicalization and violent extremism. The book advocates for primary prevention by strengthening social an…
This textbook is for prospective teachers of middle school mathematics. It reflects on the authors’ experience in offering various mathematics education courses to prospective teachers in the US…
This book delves deep into the hidden population of former gang members who share their positive and negative experiences of being gang members. Their stories of violence, hopelessness, despair, an…
This book provides a holistic picture of how Chinese turnaround schools have been remarkably improved over the years and to arouse further discussion in this regard. It contributes to the understan…
This book identifies the cultural and moral foundations of country-specific educational governance and school leadership and presents the principles of justice and the diversity of common goods tha…
This book examines school violence in South Korea from an international comparative perspective. It analyses nationally representative samples and provides extensive literature reviews based on aca…
This book is about the generative nature of leading practices when teachers, as learners, participate in long term action research projects for the purpose of professional development. This book al…
This book begins by introducing the topic of knowledge in literature, including its scientific foundations. Due to the ever-increasing number of scientific publications, literature reviews are beco…
This book presents and theorises research findings into why and how school principals play a critical role in engaging parents and their school communities to enhance student learning and wellbeing…
This book examines contexts and possibilities in Aotearoa New Zealand education contexts arising from the international trend for open, flexible, innovative learning environments (ILE), specific…
This book takes us inside the complex lived experience of being a First Nations student in predominantly non-Indigenous schools in Australia. Built around the first-hand narratives of Aboriginal an…
This book examines the development of civic education in the United States through the lives of two teachers at Shortridge High School (SHS) in Indianapolis around 1900. After situating civic educa…