The manufacturing industry in Indonesia is experiencing rapid workforce growth, even reaching double in 2022 compared to 2016, this growth is accompanied by the growth of the manufacturing workforc…
Women's limitations in the economy are due to discrimination in status and employment formalities. The study covered the scope of 17 regencies/cities in South Sumatra and 33 regencies/cities in Nor…
This study discusses the absorption of labor in the small and medium industry sector in Southern Sumatra, and the factors that can influence the absorption of labor in the industrial sector are the…
Tenaga kerja merupakan salah satu sumber daya yang sangat substansial dalam menentukan profitabilitas dalam suatu pekerjaan. Dalam pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi terdapat suatu kelompok pekerja tuka…
Substantial remittance flows are widely utilized by developing countries including Indonesia. In addition to reducing unemployment, also to increase foreign exchange reserves. Foreign exchange rese…
This study aims to analyze the influence of the district’s minimum wage rate, the number of tourists, the number of hotel rooms and the number of restaurants on employment in the tourism industry…
Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengaruh variabel sosial ekonomi pada pendapatan driver ojek di Kota Palembang. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat variabel pendapatan driver ojek online sebagai variabel…
Youth unemployment is one of the complex problems in Indonesia's employment sector, especially on Sumatra Island. Spatially, youth unemployment can affect various regions or be concentrated in one …