This research is entitled "The Influence of the Quality of Elderly Posyandu Services on the Health Behavior of the Elderly Population in Bedegung Village, Panang Enim District, Muara Enim Regency, …
This study was conducted to determine the influence of PANDAWA innovation indicator variables on JKN Service Quality in the community at BPJS Kesehatan KC Palembang City. The data analysis method u…
Background. Patient safety is an important pillar in the world of health. It is stated that more than 10,000 deaths and 4 out of 10 patients experience injuries due to health services. One of the i…
Photokeratitis is inflammation of the cornea caused by light such as sunlight or other artificial ultraviolet light sources, the ultraviolet light that is captured by the eye is absorbed by the out…
The use of IUD contraception is quite low in many countries. According to WHO data, the use of non Long Term Contraceptive Methods has increased more than the use of Long Term Contraceptive Methods…
Indonesian government has established a health insurance system for the community known as the Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (Program JKN). The existence of this health insurance system is imp…
The method that can be used to see service quality improvement in customer perception is the six sigma method. There are problems related to services at the dental polyclinic at the Dempo Health Ce…
Ringkasan Skripsi ini berjudul “Partisipasi ibu-ibu hamil dalam pelaksanaan program pelayanan kesehatan kelas ibu hamil (Studi pada posyandu desa Duren Ijo Kecamatan Banyuasin 1 Kabupaten Banyuas…
Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (Puskesmas) dan Rumah Sakit merupakan sarana dalam pelayanan kesehatan yang memberikan pelayanan kuratif berupa instalansi gawat darurat, rawat jalan, dan rawat inap. Raw…
Data from the Palembang City Health Office on March 11, 2022, the highest incidence of Covid-19 was in Ilir Barat I District, with a total of 1,777 confirmed cases and 849 active cases. Public heal…
Evaluation is an important management for the progress of a program in an organization or agency. For example the health care service that is run by the puskesmas in the midst of the Covid-19 pande…
Standar Pelayanan Minimal merupakan ketentuan tentang jenis, mutu pelayanan yang berhak diperoleh setiap warga negara secara minimal. Berdasarkan Laporan Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah Kota Palembang …
According to data from visit and referral of Public Health Office in Palembang 2020, from 20.043 visits in Pakjo Primary health Center Palembang,4878 patiens were referred to the referral ration at…
Adolescent Care Health Service (PKPR) is a service that is specifically intended for adolescents in order to achieve optimal health status. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the implementation of PKPR …
Public perception of the covid-19 vaccination is the acceptance or response of information obtained about public knowledge regarding the covid-19 vaccination, public attitudes regarding the covid-1…
Neonatal care visit is one of the efforts that can be done to reduce the neonatal mortality rate. In Indonesia, there is limited study that discuss neonatal visit by region in the last decade. The …
Women living with HIV face unique challenges and are at risk of transmitting HIV to their children. In 2018, There are 178 HIV cases in the Palembang City, 15.7 percent of them are women and includ…
COVID-19 is a new type of disease that was recently discovered and designated as a worldwide pandemic, including in Indonesia. This disease is very dangerous because it can spread quickly and cause…
The high incidence of cases of positive confirmed Indonesian people and deaths due to COVID-19. The Indonesian government is taking preventive measures to break the chain of transmission of COVID-1…
Background: Pregnancy complications and the risk of death in pregnant women are not detected due to incomplete Antenatal Care (ANC) examinations. Pregnant women should have at least 4 check-ups dur…
COVID-19 disease can be spread through public places, one of which is the market. The market is a location that has the potential to spread COVID-19 which must pay attention to the hygiene and sani…
The Health Protocol is one of the ways to prevent COVID-19 disease which consists of several phases of prevention, face detection, and face response. In Palembang City as of October 25, 2021, there…
Ibu balita memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam merawat balita. Kelas ibu balita yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan ibu dalam merawat balita. Penelitian ini…
The weakness of the implementation of self-isolation monitoring and the limitations of health care workers in self-isolation monitoring are factors that cause monitoring to self-isolation patients …
The current COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a decrease in visits to first level health services. Visits to the Alang-Alang Lebar Public Health Center decreased drastically compared to before, whe…
Sejak mewabahnya pandemi COVID-19, pemerintah telah melakukan berbagai upaya guna mencegah dan menanggulangi COVID-19. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan yakni pengadaan dan pelaksanaan vaksinasi COVI…
The Indonesian government makes a policy to control the rate of population growth through the implementation of the Family Planning Program that focuses on the use of Long-Acting Reversible Contrac…
Pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan merupakan upaya penggunaan fasilitas kesehatan dalam meningkatkan kesehatan, mencegah, dan menyembuhkan penyakit, serta memulihkan kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujua…