Pupuk saat ini memegang peranan yang sangat penting bagi petani. Setiap tanaman diberikan pemupukan supaya dapat tumbuh dengan baik dan memberikan hasil yang maksimal. Penggunaan Pupuk Kimia untuk …
This research aims to determine the effect of palm fruit peel waste compost (Arenga pinnata) on the growth of snow pea plants (Pisum sativum L.). The research method used was an experimental method…
This research aims to obtain information about the effect of kiambang compost fertilizer (Salvinia molesta) on the growth of snow pea plants (Pisum sativum) to find out what is the best concentrati…
This study aims to determine the effect of rubber leaf compost on the growth of red spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.). The research method used is an experimental method with a Complete Randomized D…
This research aimed to find out the effect of vermicompost and sulfur fertilizer to the growth and production of shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) Bima Brebes variety. This research was conducted fro…
The purpose of this Study was to find the best combination dose of compost from oil palm midrib and rice husk biochar for the growth of oil palm seedlings (main nursery). This research was conducte…
This study aims to determine the effect of Vermicompost and P fertilizer on the growth and yield of shallots. This research was conducted off campus, located at km 14 Tanah Mas, Palembang City, Sou…
The purpose of the study were to determine the effect of giving decanter solid and compost of oil palm empty fruit bunches to the growth and yield of oil palm and to find the right dose of a mixtur…
Compost is an organic fertilizer originated from plant residues and animal manure that has undergone a decomposition or decomposition process. Composting is the process of decomposing organic matte…
Kebutuhan pupuk mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun, pupuk buatan pabrik sering hilang di pasaran pada saat musim tanam tiba dan harganya pasti selangit. Padahal, pupuk merupakan kebutuhan vi…