DM sufferers must undergo many lifestyle changes such as adjusting diet, physical activity and having to control blood sugar regularly. Sudden life changes make DM sufferers experience psychologica…
Exclusive breastfeeding is giving only breast milk without additional food. One of the success factors of exclusive breastfeeding is the trust, support and role of the husband who fully supports hi…
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that usually occurs in children, in the form of a short attention spans, switching attention easily and high levels of physical activit…
Nursing students should have knowledge of good basic life support (BLS). Nurses are often the first to help patients in emergencies inside and outside the hospital, such as respiratory arrest and c…
Childhood cancer is increasing every year, especially in low- and middle-income countries. The treatment of cancer in children must be carried out continuously and for a long time, so the role of p…
The majority of people still have a lack of understanding on TBC. People who have good knowledge about TBC are able to prevent, treat, and control the spread of TBC cases. One of the efforts that c…
Sexual violence is a serious problem facing the world as well as in Indonesia. Exposure to sexual violence profoundly affects brain structure and results in lifelong impairments in cognitive and em…
Keluhan muskuloskeletal adalah keluhan nyeri pada bagian-bagian otot skeletal yang dialami seseorang disebabkan oleh banyaknya melakukan pekerjaan atau aktivitas yang mempengaruhi fungsi normal oto…
Self-care is important in improving the quality of life and improving the welfare of people with Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Self-care that is carried out effectively will be able to control the patien…
The teenager is a transitional phase in which individuals experience rapid changes physically, cognitively, and psychosocially. This change makes a person have the desire to find an identity and pe…
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the educational sector has forced universities to conduct virtual learning. Virtual learning is a learning experience that is conducted online by utilizing te…
The lack of knowledge of pregnant women about pregnancy care is one of the causes of high maternal mortality and low antenatal visits. Rapid technological developments can be used to facilitate and…
Teenage pregnancy is a problem which is still increasing every year. The impact of teenage pregnancy can cause several health problems for mothers and their babies. Lack of knowledge regarding to t…
Inadequate sleep is a common problem in all age groups and is considered a global public health epidemic. College students are a high-risk group with more than 60% suffering from sleep deprivation …
One of the causes of increasing mortality in victims of OHCA (out-of-hospital cardiac arrest) due to accidents is the lack of understanding of public helpers in providing appropriate assistance. Ju…
Breast milk is the best food for babies. WHO and UNICEF recommend exclusive breastfeeding for infants. Exclusive breastfeeding has been shown to have significant benefits for both mother and baby. …
The government's decision to tackle the increase in mortality in the elderly due to Covid-19 is carried out by conducting a Covid-19 booster vaccine in all regions of Indonesia, but there is a disc…
Puerperal infection is one of the causes of death in postpartum mothers. In women who give birth vaginally, tears in the perineum are the cause of puerperal infections. Care of the perineal wound i…
Kadar gula darah pada penderita diabetes melitus seringkali tidak terkontrol disebabkan oleh ketidakmampuan tubuh memproduksi insulin atau penggunaan insulin yang tidak efisien. Hal ini dapat di ko…
The psychological impact of breast cancer on patients happens to significantly affect their quality of life, leading to issues such as low self-concept, low self-esteem, anxiety, and fear of death.…
Sexual violence is a serious problem facing the world as well as in Indonesia. Exposure to sexual violence profoundly affects brain structure and results in lifelong impairments in cognitive and em…
COVID-19 can attack anyone regardless of age, including children. The lack of information about prevention the transmission of COVID-19 causes triggers the spread of COVID-19. One of the place at h…
Waste is one of the problems faced by urban managers worldwide, including in Indonesia. If left unchecked, this waste problem can lead to environmental and health issues. The problem of waste in In…
Children's intelligence is one of the main health problems in the health sector in Indonesia. Aspects of intelligence that affect the success of children is cognitive ability. Cognitive ability is …
Pain experienced by arthritis sufferers often recurs and if not done proper management will interfere with daily activities, can even cause disability. Pain management in patients with arthritis ca…
Stroke berulang adalah komplikasi yang sering terjadi sesudah pasien menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit. Selama perawatan di rumah keluarga mempunyai peran penting dalam memperkuat kemandirian pasi…
Due to changes in the environment and the age of students who are undergoing transition, students tend to experience academic stress easily. If not handled properly, stress can have an impact on de…
If preeclampsia does not treated immediately, it would develop into eclampsia which is at risk of maternal death. The lack of knowledge about preeclampsia can cause the pregnant women do not have t…
The implementation of hand washing technique is often neglected. This habit can lead to high child morbidity due to environmental-based diseases that affect many school-age children. Health educati…
The changes in lifestyle that occur in DM patients such as diet, exercise and the need to control blood sugar can cause anxiety. The anxiety in DM patients will make the patient's condition worse a…