This study aims to determine the limiting factors that affect the level of land suitability for maize and cassava plants and evaluate the level of land suitability for maize and cassava plants. Thi…
The purpose of this study was to examine the water management system in the first growing season (MT1) for the condition of the groundwater table in tidal land type B P10 - 2S Srimulyo Village. To …
Naturally, oil palm plants are symbiotic with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (FMA). Oil palm plants are classified as plants that are highly dependent on FMA because their roots don’t have a root h…
Sebagai salah satu makanan pokok dunia, tanaman padi (Oryza sativa L.) merupakan komoditas yang cukup esensial di dunia. Di Indonesia, tanaman padi merupakan tanaman pangan primer dengan angka mina…
Tanaman kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu tanaman perkebunan yang memiliki peran penting bagi perekonomian Indonesia. Salah satu faktor penentu dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kelapa sawit yaitu…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji permasalahan penurunan hasil dari produksi padi pada saat musim tanam pertama (MT1), untuk mengkaji sistem pengelolaan air pada musim tanam pertama (MT1) ter…
Rubber is a very important plantation commodity in Indonesia. Liquid organic fertilizer (POC) is a type of fertilizer in the form of a solution obtained from the decomposition of organic matter. Th…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung seberapa besar laju perkembangan biomassa dan penambatan karbon di kondisi lahan pasca terbakar dan tidak terbakar pada lahan restorasi gambut. Penelitian …
The peat ecosystem is the arrangement of peat elements which is a complete unified whole that influences each other in forming balance, stability and productivity. This research was carried out on …
Erodibilitas tanah adalah kepekaan tanah terhadap terjadinya proses erosi. Nilai erodibilitas dipengaruhi oleh sifat fisik tanah dan juga bahan organik. Sifat fisik tanah tersebut adalah tekstur ta…
Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is one of the plantation crops in Indonesia vegetable oil producer. One of the obstacles to oil palm development is soil fertility. This study aims to assess the …
One of the benefits of Ecoenzyme and compost is to fertilize plants and increase the rate of plant growth. Plant growth is an event of increasing plant size, which can be measured by increasing the…
Non Tidal swamp land often suffers from nutrient deficiencies, including potassium (K) deficiency, which can limit plant growth and productivity. To overcome this problem, the use of ecoenzymes and…
Coal mining activities often cause negative impacts, especially on the environment, such as decreased land productivity and increased soil density. Mining activities that result in a decrease in pr…
Oil palm plants are one of the plantation crops that have an important role in the Indonesian economy. One of the growth factors for oil palm is the nutrient content in the soil. This research aims…
This research aims to calculate the rate of biomass development and carbon storage in burned and unburned land conditions on peat restoration land. This research was carried out in Sempu Village, O…
Ultisol merupakan tanah yang potensial untuk dilakukannya kegiatan pertanian karena sebarannya yang sangat luas. Akan tetapi Ultisol memiliki beberapa kendala salah satunya adalah ber-pH masam dan …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi perbedaan nilai laju infiltrasi dan hubungan antar sifat fisik tanah dengan laju infiltrasi pada beberapa kategori ratoon (generasi tanam) di lahan…
Non tidal swamp is a soil with a high level of acidity and low nutrient availability, non tidal swamp soil in Laboraturium of the soil Departement of the Faculty of Agriculture has a pH of 4.83. In…
Edamame (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) is a multipurpose leguminous plant for various types of needs both for food and feed. In general, agricultural land will experience a decrease in soil fertility a…
One of the factors that can increase the filtration rate is the level of soil permeability. Infiltration is the process of water entering from above into the soil surface, while soil permeability i…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesuburan tanah di lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit Desa Tanggul Indah, Kecamatan Selat Penuguan, Kabupaten Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan. Analisis sifa…
Pemenuhan kebutuhan hara yang tercukupi pada lahan suboptimal yang tersedia, dapat menghasilkan produksi dan kualitas jagung manis yang baik. Kualitas jagung manis dapat dilihat berdasarkan tingkat…
At ML (Mining License) Air Laya mine, PT. Bukit Asam has a MDP (Mud Deposition Pond) of 21 ML. In the management of acid mine water in ML Air Laya Bukit Asam mine comes from a variety of conditions…
Watermelon plant is a horticultural commodity that comes from the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) which has high economic value. This study aims to evaluate the suitability of overflow type C tidal la…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik sifat kimia pH, C organik, P-tersedia, dan N-total tanah mineral di bawah lapisan gambut pada lahan pasca kebakaran. Penelitian ini dilaksana…
Peat soils are soils formed from the remains of plants and other living things that have very high levels of organic matter and develop in stagnant conditions (anaerobic). Peatlands is an important…
Peat is formed naturally from incompletely decomposed plant remains with a thickness of 50 cm or more and accumulates in swamps. The peat soil underneath contains alluvial soil at various depths. T…
The planting medium will determine whether the growth of plants is good or bad, which in turn affects production. Some planting media that can be used are husk charcoal, compost and ultisol. The pu…
The eucalyptus plant (Melaleuca cajuputi) is one of the plants used as a revegetation plant in post-mining reclamation activities. Eucalyptus plants come from the Myrtaceae family, the tree height …