ndeks Standar Pencemar Udara (ISPU) merupakan standar untuk mengukur tingkat kualitas udara di Indonesia. Kategori pada ISPU digunakan sebagai informasi keadaan kualitas udara pada wilayah tertentu…
Inventory is stock or goods that are stored and will be sold in the future. Inventories of goods that are too large too small will hamper activities in the business, so it is necessary to carry out…
Persediaan cabai merah yang tidak pasti mengakibatkan perlunya menganalisis pasar untuk memahami permintaan pembeli. Cabai merah yang tidak habis terjual akan disimpan, cabai yang disimpan akan men…
Saving Matrix is a method of minimizing distance, time or cost by considering the underlying obstacles. The purpose of this study is to implement the Saving Matrix method for optimizing the distrib…
This study aims to examine the determinants of the probability of housewives working in the agricultural sector, namely husband income, number of children under five, age, farming experience, and l…