PT Remco Kota Palembang is one of the crumb rubber industries located in Palembang which produces SIR 20 crumb rubber. The process of making crumb rubber at the factory uses a dryer to dry the rubb…
Benteng Kuto Besak merupakan tempat wisata yang banyak ditemui pedagang kaki lima, namun saat ini minim dalam menerapkan protokol kesehatan COVID-19. Pedagang kaki lima yang tidak menerapkan person…
Adequate sanitation facilities and meeting health standards are very important in improving health status, offices in the city of Kayuagung have a short distance from one office to another so that …
The United Arab Emirates is faced with uncertainty when two major powers are competing. The impartiality efforts of the United Arab Emirates are needed to balance these forces. The rivalry between …
Supervisory and Data Acquisition (SCADA) plays an important role in industry by providing process automation, centralized control and monitoring processes. SCADA is designed for closed areas with s…
The source of electrical energy comes from fossil fuels, so it is necessary to develop new and renewable energy sources such as Solar Power Plants (PLTS) which utilize solar energy to produce elect…
Latar Belakang: Wabah COVID-19 yang menyerang seluruh dunia telah ditetapkan sebagai pandemi oleh WHO pada tanggal 11 Maret 2020. Penyebaran COVID-19 melalui droplet dari manusia ke manusia membuat…
In the power distribution system, ground faults and lightning strikes are the most common causes of disturbances. This interference will cause the hazard to rise or fall, endanger people's lives an…
Corona virus is a major health problem and the most common cause of death in Indonesia and even in the world with the number of cases increasing every year. In addition, in Ogan Ilir Regency, there…
Personal protective equipment (PPE) in RSUD M Yunus Bengkulu city has not been implemented optimally. It is proved that were still nurses who did not use gloves when blood transfusion in isolation …