Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang memiliki daerah gempa bumi yang cukup tinggi, karena terletak di pertemuan antara cirkum pasifik dan trans asiatik. Peristiwa bencana gempa bumi merupakan …
Dalam usaha meningkatkan perencanaan dan pengendalian pada suatu proyek konstruksi, saat ini telah banyak di gunakan sebagai program komputer untuk membantu pekerjaan manajemen konstruksi salah sat…
A strong trend today is toward the fullest feasible integration of all elements of manufacturing including maintenance, reliability, supportability, the competitive environment, and other areas. Th…
Illustrates recently developed fixture design and verification technology, focusing on their central role in manufacturing processes. The text uses up-to-date computer technology to minimize costs,…
Turbomachinery present the theory and design of turbomachines with the step-by-step procedures and worked-out examples. this comprehensive reference emphasizes fundamental principles and constructi…
The Collaboration between the Textile Departement of the University of MInho and the Brazilian Association of studies and research ( ABEPEM) has led to an international platform for the exchange of…