Knee OA is the leading cause of disability global disability. The resultant effects of OA are pain and joint dysfunction. Understanding the progression of knee OA is expected to lead to more effect…
Pain experienced by arthritis sufferers often recurs and if not done proper management will interfere with daily activities, can even cause disability. Pain management in patients with arthritis ca…
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a progressive degenerative inflammatory disease characterized by the destruction of cartilage, the formation of osteophytes, subchondral sclerosis, as well as synovitis. Degr…
Gout arthritis adalah penyakit yang ditandai dengan penimbunan atau deposisi kristal monosodium urat pada jaringan. Gangguan metabolisme yang mendasari gout arthritis adalah terjadi peningkatan kad…
Osteoarthritis merupakan penyakit sendi degeneratif yang berkaitan dengan kerusakan kartilago sendi. Prevalensi osteoarthritis lutut radiologis di Indonesia sangat tinggi yaitu 87%. Osteoarthritis …
Background: Xanthine oxidase is an enzyme that catalyzes the formation of uric acid. Empirically, many people have used the root of the yellow wood as a natural antihyperuricemia medicine. Phytoche…
Osteoarthritis is a joint disease with pathological changes in the structure of the joint, it is characterized by hyaline cartilage damage in the articular joints. Severe osteoarthritis may cause d…