The high level of environmental pollution caused by improper waste treatment often causes various kinds of diseases and bad odors. Organic waste originating from living things can be used as a comp…
Lingkungan perairan di sungai Musi telah tercemar logam berat timbal disebabkan aktivitas industralisasi. Timbal dapat terakumulasi kedalam tubuh manusia dan menyebabkan penyakit kronis sehingga di…
Vaname shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) was initially well received by shrimp farmers in Indonesia. However, in recent years vannamei shrimp have experienced a decline in production due to disease att…
Organic waste includes fruits, vegetables and coconut dregs which still contain nutrients in them. The nutritional content of fruit, vegetable and coconut waste can be used as an alternative feed f…
Butterfly pea flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) is used as a natural dye and herbal medicine because it contains metabolites. The content of these metabolites is influenced by the phase of flower devel…
The bintaro plant (Cerbera manghas L.) is a poisonous plant of the Apocynaceae family that has potential as an anticancer agent because it contains secondary metabolite compounds that show cytotoxi…
Pagaralam is one of the coffee-producing centers in South Sumatra. Coffee plantations in Pagaralam are people's plantations that have been managed for generations. Good land maintenance is one of t…
Air quality has an important role for living things on the surface of the earth, especially for humans, where human health depends on air quality. Therefore, air quality must be kept clean because …
The government determines provincial priorities in implementing child-friendly city programs. The child-friendly city program is one of the Indonesian government's programs in ensuring the fulfillm…
During pregnancy, a mother must always pay attention to her health, because an unhealthy fetus can threaten the health of pregnant women. It is important to monitor the health condition of the fetu…
Arrhythmia disease is a serious and potentially fatal condition, so detecting this disease early has great significance. However, the dataset in the form of electrocardiogram (ECG) used in the anal…
Credit is currently growing very rapidly because it is used as a payment mechanism among the public, but the credit provided does not rule out the possibility of having a high risk. Classifying pot…
Indonesia. Coffee plants that have been around for a long time are the reason why the majority of Pagaralam coffee is old, so it needs proper land management, so that coffee plants can be more prod…
Dimentional reduction is a technique for reducing the number of features in a dataset. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a dimensional reduction method that can reduce the features in a dataset…
Production of coffee in Indonesia ranks fourth largest after rubber, coconut and palm oil. Pagaralam is one of the coffee producers in South Sumatra Indonesia Country, with a production of 20.153 t…
This study aims to determine the depth of peat in the piled up soil at the Bait Qur'an Islamic Boarding School in Sepuh Village using the 2-dimensional Wenner-Schlumberger geoelectric method for a …
Cancer markers, or substances indicating the presence of specific cancers in the human body, are molecules found in the human body that provide indications of certain types of cancer. Numerous canc…
The air quality index is a benchmark for some of today's global society which will later have an impact on society and the order of life. The main focus of measuring the air quality index is based …
Identification of pay zones in clayey sandstone layers in the Tarim field poses a challenge in determining the hydrocarbon and water zones because they have low resistivity low contrast (LRLC) char…
Pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir telah diidentifikasi sebagai salah satu alternatif yang menjanjikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi masa depan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis performa…
Desa Taja Raya II merupakan salah satu desa yang terletak di Kabupaten Banyuasin, letak Geografis Kabupaten Banyuasin terletak pada posisi 388735 - 530060 Lintang Selatan dan 9660739 - 9807115 Buju…
As one of the waters in Indonesia, the Southern Java waters are very complex waters because they get direct influence from the Indian Ocean and also the influence of the Pacific Ocean water masses …
Rainfall intensity in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency has high rainfall intensity. Most of the people's work in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency is farming, if the intensity of high rainfall can have a negati…
In an open pit mining system, it is important to know how stable a slope is. Unstable slopes will affect the mine production process and cause losses. Whether a slope is stable or not can be determ…
This study aims to determine the effect of air humidity and air temperature on ENSO and IOD in Palembang City. The data used are data on relative humidity and air temperature as a result of measure…
This study aims to analyze the influence of the social environment and financial knowledge on interest in using sharia investment products (study of students of Raudhatul Ulum Sakatiga Indralaya IT…
Analisis geokimia merupakan metode ekspolorasi panasbumi untuk menentukan tipe manifestasi dan memperkirakan suhu reservoir di daerah Suoh dan sekitarnya. Terdapat tujuh titik lokasi pengambilan sa…
This research aims to understand the characteristics of volcanic rocks and the process of their formation in the Kikim Formation, which was carried out in the Negeriratu area and its surroundings. …
The aims of the research was: 1) to identify marketing channels for hydroponic vegetables at the Cempako Vegetable Village. 2) to identify the 7P marketing mix for hydroponic vegetables in the Cemp…
Unbranded granulated sugar was sugar known as bulk granulated sugar that has no label and is usually sold in retail plastic bags in traditional markets. Branded granulated sugar is increasingly sel…